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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I think it’s pretty darn good as far as HMR transformations go with next to zero parts swapping. The only part that really needs to be removed from fighter to battroid is the engine intake cover at the knee joint. The undercarriage covers for the legs in fighter mode I can ignore anyway.
  2. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Even nin nin game had sent me a shipping notification with tracking number... let’s see how the item turns out when I get it.
  3. I thought someone has tried filing down the attachment points on the Yamato 1/48 missile sets to fit the DX and it worked reasonably well. You may want to look into that. Personally I just got one set of missiles for the DX and that's enough for me. Never been a huge fan of these things and just getting them for the sake of completeness.
  4. I'm also doing the same - not a fan of DYRL valks and am tired of having to use DYRL figures to fill in for the TV versions.
  5. You’re not alone mate. I really get tired of the pair of red/blue 1J offerings over the years. The blue 1A has so much more story behind it (zentradi ship, fights with Miria’s Q-rau, part of the Vermillion squad). This is so much higher on my list compared to the blue 1J which is probably at the bottom, even lower than Miria’s.
  6. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the beautiful pics. Where in HK do you go to for shops that carry Macross figures? I went to 信和 in my recent visit but was rather disappointed. BTW $103 US ($800 HKD?) seems like a fairly good price to me.
  7. For a September release, I am expecting a 5 month window, so likely PO in April. It didn’t take long last time from the announcement of the 1J to PO date on 7/29. It may come in the next two to three weeks if I were to guess.
  8. I am very happy that they are focusing on SDFM first; personally I’m not too big a fan of DYRL. Over the years the Yamato toy releases seemed to show a bias on DYRL (eg the SSP with movie style armour, pilot suit design that came with the 1S, yellow tipped reaction missiles, etc), so anything SDFM is very welcome. I just hope Bandai will keep this up.
  9. Holy cow, Bandai is giving us TV Max 1A when most of us were expecting the Focker 1S! I can’t wait to get one. Now all we need is the zentradi uniform to go with it... please???
  10. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Right - I checked my order date and it was 10/25/18. They were going for 23k on Manda (sealed, box slightly damaged but actually looks pretty darn good to me). I ordered mine way after release date, but as soon as the FA set was announced.
  11. Nice! Congrats. I would have picked it up if it were Max’s 22S. My hi-metal R destroid monster came in a while ago. Sealed and box isn’t as beaten up as I had thought. Only a tiny creased corner at the back.
  12. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I haven't been checking YJA prices for a while, but it seems that the 31S bidding prices have skyrocketed from a few months ago (when the full armour was announced) and a few MISB ones are now bidding at a range of 33k to 39k yen... wow.
  13. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I’m with you on the same (nin-nin) boat... if they do an OOS/store credit on me, I’ll be calling my CC company. But I hope that they will deliver. Considering that even Amazon.jp has extra stock, I’m hopeful that NNG will come through with our orders. Fingers crossed.
  14. Nice haul!! I would love to get the TV Max 1A at some point for a price that's not too crazy. And the Kakizaki 1A to complete the Vermillion Squadron. The 0A would be very nice to have too...
  15. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    me too - I actually forgot that I placed an order with AE (duh) and was surprised that they sent me an in-stock notice. LOL. My other order is with Nin-Nin and I don't expect them to send me shipping notice until next week. Both are being sent by SAL (econ shipping).
  16. Thanks @Xigfrid, will take a look later today, if I want to get a couple of these do I just reach out to you on FB via that link? Many thanks.
  17. Thanks guys for your replies and for looking into this. I was surprised that this "circle, female square to male round" adapter has never been sold on the market (if I understood everyone's comments correctly). The reason why I'm asking - I ordered a couple of the KO yamato arm stands which included the "0 series adapter" for an extra $3, but I didn't see these extra bits in my order when they arrived. The listing on TB has since sold out. If this adapter could be made on shapeways for a reasonable price, it would be a really nice addition to have for the VF-0 or SV-51s. With the upcoming release of the Arcadia stand, I am hoping that someone could make a copy of this part, and just wanted to throw the idea out here that I, for one, will support this if it were to be made.
  18. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not sure if you are thinking of the same pics I saw on FB the other day...
  19. Still no news regarding any PO dates for the VF-0D or the Ivanov SV-51? Thanks.
  20. hi thanks for your reply. Sorry if I had confused things, but the Yamato stand has a square hole that worked with the VF-1 stand adapters with square pegs. The VF-0 adapters, however, have round holes by design - hence really "fitting a square peg into a round hole". The circled part seems to be an additional part that makes the yamato stand compatible with VF-0 toys, which is what I am looking for, but not sure where to get. My VF-0S doesn't seem to come with this converter (see photo borrowed from Jenius' site below). Notice the shape of the adapters that came with the toy and how they would fit perfectly with the highlighted part in the first pic. Thanks - would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction.
  21. Hi - for those of you who got the old Yamato stand, did it come with the round adapter for the VF-0's? Do we know if someone had made these adapters available on shapeways? Many thanks.
  22. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    same here... Roy/skull leader paint scheme +1
  23. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I took a risk and placed my only order on the VF-4 with them back in November. Economy shipping was 1,290 yen to the US.
  24. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks - now that you show me the screen I guess I probably did have those two options at the time, which my mind simply decided to auto-filter out... But I can understand the attraction in the UPS option with the quality of service and speed of delivery for people who really want theirs as quickly as possible, probably for review purposes as well.
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