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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. Actually can't we 'tack the loose missiles from the 1/48 GBP set to the tailfins to recreate this effect...? IIRC there are a total of 68 missiles in that armour pack
  2. Over the last few days, a few retailers opened their POs at these hours (judging only by the time of the first link posted by fellow members): Plaza Japan : 2:12 pm Japan time AE : 4:01 pm Japan time HLJ (second round/cancellation): 1:51 pm Japan time
  3. It's a moral dilemma to me. Do they (meaning N-Y) sell all stock allocations they have on day 1, get sold out in minutes, knowing that >50% (or more) of the volume sold will go to scalpers who then turn these around for an immediate profit on day 1? Or do they keep some stock and release a second batch at prices slightly below the scalpers on YJA, and give us a chance to get them at an inflated price, also keeping some potential profits that might otherwise have gone to the scalpers? Personally I can see both sides of the argument, but the fact is that at 27.5k, a few fellow members were able to secure a PO in the end and get the peace of mind. And I think that's a good option to have.
  4. According to Amazon Japan, the scheduled release date is April 30th.
  5. I suspect we will be seeing a reissue of the VF-1D from Arcadia first, before the DX line gets to tweaking the mold for a two-seater, but knowing Bandai, nothing is certain. One HUGE feature that I will be looking for in the (hopefully) eventual DX VF-1D is the removable cockpit, which Yamato had incorporated into their VF-1 design, but Bandai hasn't done that with the DX releases so far. I hope this will change with the DX -1D. And while I'm daydreaming, why not - if Bandai would redesign the detachable cockpit of the 1D, it would be wonderful if they can find a way to replicate the 1D's heat shield mechanism (closing from both sides, rather than an extended HS hidden under the chest armour).
  6. Hi @no3Ljm, I don't have the original MB SF to compare side-by-side to the KO, and that was the first and only time I ever saw a real-life copy at the store in Nakano. From the pic, and looking at my KO copy in hand, I can't really tell the difference in color shadings. The only other times when I compared an original toy with a KO were with MP Transformers and the VF-1S KO. With the VF-1S, the differences were very clear, and I could tell straight away by looking at a picture if it's the KO version. However, the difference in the MP Transformers, and in this case, the MB Strike Freedom, were minimal to me. Which raises a huge concern with secondary market sales. If I really looked hard, the only part that I can see a color difference is the shade of gold paint in the antenna on the MB SF. Bandai's original had a finer gold paint on it, whereas the KO seems to use a "grainier" gold paint. But that's about as much as I can tell, and the degree of other differences may vary between different people. For me, a bootleg copy at its price point was too good to pass up, even though I am fully aware that I supported a KO pirate in buying this in the first place. It's either that, or feeding the scalpers for multiples of the cost.
  7. It was obviously so happy that it punched the radome away... XD
  8. I like the mindset, @vlenhoff, I agree. Most of us would probably have wasted a proverbial $100 on other cr*p before. So if it's something that you like very much, and given where we are in the PO cycle, where nobody can be certain of finding one at a much lower price than NY, then why not, I say?
  9. Fantastic close-up pics, thanks! The shade of blue here looks slightly more "purple-y" than Bandai's own promo shots, and this blue seems closer to the blue that we're used to in the M&M 1J. One minor complaint - the OCD me really wants to go plug the left engine with an intake cover, LOL!
  10. I’m pretty certain it’s been 27,500 yen since they reopened for preorder yesterday. Good that you’ve secured one, that’s the most important thing.
  11. Thanks Shizuka but I don't think you have anything to be sorry for. You have re-ignited a great trend here on MWF (to post links on PO madness night and help others out). After everything you had done in the heat of the PO night, with a full time Doctoral degree going on in the background, what you did was already amazing and it helped many of us.
  12. It's interesting how the Chinese market is playing a dual role in this "battle" (disclaimer: I'm Chinese as well) - On one hand, they "mass scalp" the market on new releases and turn these around in the short term for an immediate profit - But on the other side of the market, there are Chinese bootleggers who somehow manage to get to the molds and churn out their own KO versions, and sell them on Taobao in masses. Case in point: the MB Strike Freedom. This was a bitch to preorder and secondary market prices for an MISB copy easily doubled or tripled the MSRP. See the two pics below. One was the KO version and the other taken from a shop in Nakano. I couldn't see any visible differences between the two.
  13. Congrats to those who had managed to get one from japan plaza or AE. Seems like both of them lasted for only minutes as well. For those who are still looking, fingers crossed and keep checking. Good luck with the continued battle against the scalpers.
  14. The secondary market prices have slowly crept up from a low of around 13-14k yen last August/September - they seem to be going for around 18k now if I'm not mistaken. I snagged mine from YJA/Buyee for 15k after fees, but before international shipping. It was an A grade item (box opened, tray still sealed). I'm pretty pleased with it, considering my initial impressions of it on the show.
  15. I don't think my situation with M7 is that much different to Delta. I hated both shows These are my two least favourite shows in the Macross universe but I was intrigued by the valk designs for certain mecha that appeared. The model kit I bought was in 1995 when M7 was in full force, and I thought the valk design was interesting (note: I hadn't seen M+ then), and bought it to see how the transformation worked... You're not alone mate, you're not alone...
  16. That would be fantastic. Please let us know how you got on, and if she might be interested in accepting orders from fellow members should it be successful. Claiming first dibs, lol!
  17. It would be dream-come-true if Bandai decides to release the Zentradi uniform to go with their DX 1A. It has not been done in this scale before, I don't think. And being larger than the 1/60, we could expect even better details and a finer finish.
  18. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    First of my two VF-4’s finally showed up today. SAL aka snail mail finally came through. The box is in perfect condition, and I would SOOO love to open this baby right now, but am worried that the second one that’s still on the way (SAL) from nin-nin game may arrive with dented corners and box damage etc. Folks who ordered theirs from NNG, how was your experience with their packaging for the HMR VF-4? Many thanks.
  19. Understand - to each their own I guess? I am rather old school myself, and would always prefer the original VF-1 Gerwalk.
  20. One of the more silly Gerwalk modes IMHO is the VF-31, especially with the W shaped wings. Always remind me of this scene.
  21. Oh gosh don't even start with the Ronald McDonald colour scheme and the silly face that goes with it... if I ever decide to collect EVERY valk design that's been made into a toy, the VF-19Kai along with the other VF-19 designs in M7 would definitely be on the bottom of my list. I owned a model kit of the diamond force blue/yellow 19S years ago and still can't get over how much I hated it.
  22. I haven’t really had time to open up my YF-19 until just now. But you’re right that their wings have different hard points. I considered it secure, when the YF-19 missile pylons attached to the DX VF-1’s wings quite tightly. At least better than the 1/48 Yamato missile hard points! Lol.
  23. Substituting impression with fact - yes the YF-19 missile pylons fit perfectly with the DX-1J.
  24. sorry!
  25. I thought someone have already tried it on release week and it worked. There was another poster on this thread who also showed how he sanded down the connection points of the Yamato 1/48 missiles to fit the DX VF-1 around the time the missile sets were announced for preorder.
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