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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. The Yamato 1/48 can just about sit steadily on the stand in fighter mode. The support point is the root of the leg fin/canard. I tried the 1/48 DX but that just doesn’t work.
  2. I'm going to try that later to confirm, but there is a good chance that it might work because the VF-0S fits well on the stand.
  3. I bought a used sv-51 Nora last year for 10k yen, and the new Ivanov is 4 times the cost of my Nora. I understand joints are crappy and Battroid and Gerwalk are floppy, but I mostly keep it in Fighter mode, so am quite happy with it anyway. The improvements to the mold may be more apparent in Battroid or Gerwalk, but to pay 3 to 4 times the price to get a better look of these two modes, the gain seems very marginal and not justifiable to me.
  4. Do you have a link to the TB listing? But at that low price it's most likely a deposit for reissues (if they ever get reissued). I think TB is really only good for non-official stuff with limited value. I would not recommend ordering any official figures through any seller on TB.
  5. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I would buy that in a heartbeat. Ideally they'd include the TV super packs, and both Roy and Hikaru pilot figures.
  6. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    ^This. To me SDFM was the only Macross series that I watched as a kid, and I have long been frustrated about the bias on the DYRL scheme in toys/figures released by Yamato/Arcadia (I still don't have a TV scheme 1/60 Focker 1S with the black arrows on the head and grey jumpsuit pilot figure). I am hoping that the 1/48 DX series would change that. And HM-R as well, if they can stay on trend and release more of the SDFM variations.
  7. Hikaru: "Yup, no more backseat driving directions!"
  8. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but what's with Hikaru's smile and wave to the "camera" from the cockpit? Poor Minmei is about to fall off the 1D's hand! (Much respect to Master Tenjin for the added humour!)
  9. It's already available for preorder? BTW where would you go in HK for Macross Preorders? Thanks.
  10. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks Saburo. Another upvote magnet!
  11. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Actually I didn't know that was the case in Japan until you mentioned it. I would have thought that the locals in Japan preferred SDFM because it was broadcast on local TV, and that really is what made the franchise take off in the first place. Or did I misunderstand what you said?
  12. Sorry to see the squashed box, @scand For those of us who ordered the DX VF-1J from amazon, did anyone have similar issues with the packaging from Amazon JP?
  13. since Jungle's website went down, I have noticed that the prices of second hand valks (especially the 1/48 Yammies) had increased a bit from last year. Of course, this could also be due to the fact that more people are now aware of the yammies entering the used market following the release of the 1/48 DX. I really regret not picking up a 1/48 VF-1A when I could last year. It's a lot more expensive now and much harder to find as well.
  14. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

  15. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks @ScrambledValkyrie, I love the fighter mode but I would still love to get a sitting minmei figure with it too. I agree, I'm still annoyed about this and the back panel. In the TV series, Minmei did sit in the back seat of the Gerwalk, so I don't understand why they won't include the sitting figure. For the super Ostrich, they had both sets of pilot/passenger figures to let you reenact the scene in space (space suit Hikaru, Minmei) and on earth (Hikaru and Misa). And they also painted the back panel correctly. I guess they made a business decision to cut costs where possible, and perhaps 90% of the customers won't even notice/care about these anyway.
  16. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Mind = blown I watched Macross before I got into G1, and I always thought hasbro just stole the Valkyrie design. Never thought that there’s a scene with the 1S in it.
  17. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    This is very quickly turning into a hunt for animation errors in episode 3!
  18. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Some crabs will grow another claw when you snap one off. Looks like the 1D grew another cockpit rather quickly.
  19. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh. Wrong hand. Lol.
  20. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks @seti88, I couldn’t stand the colour and that was the only option I had. But my OCD self keeps telling me “wrong fins, wrong fins!”
  21. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean like this?
  22. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    I am more of a fan of the TV series so I prioritised the look of the 1D over the VT-1. Having said that, since the back cover is always under the booster unit anyway, it wouldn’t have mattered to me.
  23. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup, just unscrew the single screw next to the hinge, and carefully pry open and wiggle the back cover out of the hinge. Swap and replace screw, done
  24. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Actually I noticed that the back cover is molded in *orange* for the 1D, and had a small area near the hinge painted beige. The VT-1 cover was molded in beige, and then painted orange for the “V” shaped bit behind the cockpit.
  25. rdrunner

    Hi-Metal R

    Swapped out the back panel with the super O. Notice the straight alignment of the fins, not two in parallel. But I figured that’s less of an eyesore than the incorrect colour....
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