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Everything posted by rdrunner

  1. I have never had ANY luck with Hobby Search (1999.co.jp) - their page always goes straight from pre-orders not yet open to sold out.
  2. Yes about 5:35 am Eastern (18:35 Japan Time) to be exact.
  3. rdrunner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Gosh yes! Will order that in a heartbeat. Just take my money already!!
  4. Sorry I have no idea how Bandai are going to do this, so please understand that this is all speculation atm. But based on the magazine info, it sounds like the skull markings on the sides of the boosters will be interchangeable. If Bandai were planning to issue four different sets of movie SSP’s with black/red/blue/green skull markings, why should they make it interchangeable (instead of having different prints for each version)? Now, it is entirely possible that this set will only come with the red skull markings (hence MC’s claim that it is Hikaru-specific), and subsequent movie valks could come with their own colored skull marking parts for the SSP, but it seems unlikely that they will include SSP emblems with the base valks too. That’s why I think that people should decide if they want to skip the SSP preorder this time round, in case Bandai decides not to reissue the set (or take a long time to do so).
  5. When the Dengeki Hobby magazine scans came out a couple weeks ago, it had already mentioned that the skull markings are swappable to be compatible with DYRL versions of the -1A or -1S. The specific quote is 「両サイドのスカルマークは差し替えで、劇場版のS型、A型の各機種種に対応、今後の展開に期待せずにはいられない。」 Based on their description above, I’m more inclined to believe that the set’s markings are universally compatible with DYRL valks, and it’s anything but certain that Bandai will release the movie SSP set again based on their records of Tamashii Web Exclusive reissues (none to my knowledge). While I appreciate Macross Central’s good intentions to share info, I am not sure if they are correct about this one. Anyone thinking of skipping this set for future DYRL specific releases for the black/blue/green skull emblems should do their own research and decide if they want to take this risk IMO.
  6. add the DX Kairos 31A to the KO wish list please... that would be a guaranteed seller!
  7. LOL - don't give them any ideas!!
  8. Nice! Mine probably won’t get delivered until tomorrow.
  9. That’s already a very impressive collection two months in. Congrats.
  10. Tracking number received from DHL as well. ETA Wednesday. This thing is worth having a whole detolf shelf space to itself.
  11. Yup, thankful that someone (Bandai) knows what white should really look like!
  12. As long as it’s not pink, it’ll be fine for me
  13. If you're referring to the bottom row, third picture from the left, the caption describes exactly that - a fighter mode adapter for the SSP due to the different angle of the thrusters when the conformal tanks are on.
  14. Right and God forbid, they don't make two separate sets of GBP for DYRL and TV versions (just to swap the missile tip colours and the ARMD-1 markings to Prometheus or something).
  15. hi Sanity, I am quite hopeful that they will make a separate TV version super pack though, because the markings on this SSP set is specifically for the DYRL version ("ARMD-1" for example). I guess we have been trained by all the previous yamato and arcadia releases to use the DYRL SSPs as a proxy for the TV equivalent.
  16. The super/strike parts does say it's a Tamashii Web Shop item, I think that means it will be a web exclusive?
  17. +1. In all my years of Macross toy buying I have always preferred the TV versions to DYRL, and TV only versions are so hard to come by. But the super packs do look absolutely bloody gorgeous though. Just that we have to wait longer for TV Roy and the super parts.
  18. I think someone has already spotted this but the circled sentence does suggest that the skull markings on the side of the boosters are interchangeable to fit different S or A type DYRL markings.
  19. I loved the look of the TE-01 in bot mode and ordered it without hesitation. Have had it in hand for about a week, but transformed it for the first time just now. The transformation design is bloody amazing. Perfect alt mode with even fewer gaps than the MP-10, and an even slimmer trailer section. These guys at TE know what they are doing and wowed the market with this debut. Can’t wait for more of their designs in the future.
  20. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It says 犄角 單价 which means single unit price for the horn is CNY 118, but I’m curious to find out. I’ll send them a message to ask maybe. The set of 10 is for the missile connectors and the price is 99 CNY for a set of ten.
  21. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yup. It’s in Chinese Yuan.
  22. rdrunner

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks Xigfrid! The price of the replacement antenna at $17 USD seems a bit steep to me though, especially when we have to pay for overseas shipping as well.
  23. rdrunner

    Macross figures

    My very first impression when I saw these "figures" is that they are clay characters pulled straight out of "Robot Chicken". Jeez...
  24. Nice. Is Max tangoing with Milia in the VF-1J?
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