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Everything posted by RocketGTR

  1. RocketGTR

    Hi-Metal R

    Toys R Us is still active here in Canada and in other countries. This is from an Asian/Japan TRU cuz of the Macross/Takara Tomy
  2. With the wording "latest development samples", here's hoping they've address some of the issues pointed out in previous posts.
  3. Plus if you do get the rare random customs charge, Canada Post only charges a $10 handling fee which is cheaper than the $17 plus that DHL charges.
  4. A-E usually have a limit on these highly sought after items. So if you're still logged and put through an order, the site will show it as Sold Out as you've reached your limit, but if you log out, you'll see that it's still orderable. Not sure if that's what happened for you or not, but just a FYI
  5. https://www.agesthreeandup.ca/products/bandai-macross-delta-movie-absolute-live-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkirie-maximilian-jenius-use For Canada there's A3U which is $330 plus free shipping in Canada since it's over $250
  6. In general? Or do you mean there's something in particular that's wrong because I can't really tell from your picture?
  7. I managed to snag one at the original list price. Took 15 minutes though...
  8. Too bad the Ironman extra bits weren't just a add on kit haha Thor and Wasp are exclusives so at least no worries about getting orders in right away. wish they had put up orders same time as Falcon to save on the shipping.
  9. They they did this with Millia (saying an earlier release date and request for payment) and then she got delayed another month after I made the payment
  10. Hopefully they actually ship in a decent time. For some reason around this time of year they start to take a week or two to go from prep to shipped. I asked about it over their live chat and they just said they were receiving higher than normal orders. However, I'm willing to wait. Waited this long already to have a 1/60 Millia.
  11. Got an update email from N-Y changing release date of Millia to October 15! ~yay
  12. I believe you can only apply at the time of order. But I haven't tried to apply after the fact either.
  13. N-Y lets you combine and separate any order that hasn't been paid for anyways
  14. RocketGTR

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the HLJ link!
  15. RocketGTR

    Macross figures

    https://hlj.com/product/BANN17771/Act Sheryl Figuarts pre orders are up at HLJ
  16. Red lines and circles on the main gun are on the Premium version. The one without those is the regular release version.
  17. RocketGTR

    Hi-Metal R

    Man I can't even access N-Y since their sale started this morning...
  18. Yay got one from N-Y. I can finally sleep zzz
  19. Considering I don't drink it, I'd go with too little
  20. Man I must have had a brain fart this morning. For some reason I didn't think they had included them in the first two. >_<
  21. So if Makina will be with Mirage's 31F. Then maybe they'll include Reina and Kaname will be included with Chuck and Arad. Finally to top it all off, they'll include Freyja and Mikumo with Chuck and Arad to go with your Hayate and Messer 31's
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