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Everything posted by Smacky

  1. They still have them in stock at BBTS for 199.99USD https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/61998
  2. Same here, preparation in progress since the 27th.
  3. Those plus CF VF-1A would be nice, I stopped collecting for a while and missed out on the Yamato 1/60 and 1/48 variants, would love to a couple of DX versions.
  4. I hate PO night...Got to the last step at AmiAmi, HLJ, and NY, all sold out...
  5. Agreed, especially after how bad the last season is turning out.
  6. I have to agree with you there, Canada also sucks balls for import taxes. I found that AmiAmi and Nin Nin also don't declare full value on their packages either, I haven't had to pay import taxes lately with either of them.
  7. Smacky

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You missed your chance, somebody did grab it
  8. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    Anybody get a payment request from AmiAmi? For some odd reason, it's not listed on their site anymore and when I try to go to the link from my order history it comes up "item not found."
  9. MyKombini finally have it listed on their site now but with no price and unavailable to order. https://mykombini.com/en/september-2019/14240-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom-macross-bandai-spirits-4573102567222.html
  10. Actually you’re right. I just checked on Amazon, they charge 37564 for 2, 1800 S&H plus 5033 for import fees deposit, comes out to 44397, 97 more than I paid at NY. I’d rather have ordered from AJ than NY, especially after the crap NY pulled with the DX VF-1A, but lesson learned for next time, AJ as much as possible.
  11. I'm in Canada which charges duties for importing toys, so I try to almost always go with NY since they declare a really low value so I never get dinged with the fees. It came out to 44300Y for 2 shipped with EMS, cheaper than 400USD + shipping at BBTS + import duties.
  12. NY has it up now too, 17800, got my 2 ordered. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/27893-riobot-vr-041h-blow-superior-yellow.html
  13. Nope I just checked when Shizuka mentioned them. I'm so steamed at myself, I had a chance to get one at AJ but I forgot my password and by the time I reset it all gone...
  14. I agree with most who are disheartened by this mornings PO madness and I think this settles the debate for me whether to collect the Bandai 1/48 or Arcadia 1/60 line. Sure I'll pick it up if I find one close to MSRP, but this morning was total boocaca and don't think I want to give up a good night's sleep anymore for this.
  15. arghhh I saw the preorder button on AmiAmi but nothing happened when I clicked it, mashed it a hundred times and nothing...booooo
  16. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't get my Ami Ami payment request either, I think it's just NY that does it so early.
  17. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    I guess Canada Post sucks then, i can never track it beyond Japan Post.
  18. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    Great news Noel, glad they came through for you. Question about tracking for you guys. I’ve ordered quite a bit of stuff over the years from Japan, mostly using SAL registered which provides a tracking number, but the tracking usually stops at dispatched from outward office and nothing after that. I always get my stuff delivered, but just wondering what’s the point of a tracking number if it tracks just to the outbound office.
  19. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    I think you're right, looks like they have it in stock for ¥14990.
  20. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered one from them and paid up front when I ordered it. I think they require payment when you place the order. If you get boned by them, I can flip my copy from Nin Nin to you, I have 2 others coming in from NY and really don't need 3.
  21. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup got my shipping notice on Monday.
  22. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine still show Preorder - Payment Ok
  23. Smacky

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered 1 from Nin-Nin also but read on here that they may be sketchy, but luckily was able to get 2 at NY as well. There's 1 left at Loopaza for pre-order at 119.99 USD https://www.loopaza.com/hi-metal-r-the-super-dimension-fortress-macross-flash-back-2012-vf-4-lightning-iii.html Edit: annnnnnd it's gone.
  24. Smacky

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You've convinced me Noel, my wallet hates you.
  25. Smacky

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Loopaza has it up for sale too now for a little more, 194 USD. https://www.loopaza.com/figures/dx-chogokin-vf-31s-siegfried-arad-molders-use-armored-parts-set.html I pre-ordered the armored parts from NY but don't have the 31S, but do have all the others and was just going to put it on one of those guys. But I also have all the super parts to go with them...not sure if I should pull the trigger on a reasonably priced 31S so I won't have a set of leftover super parts, my freaking wallet... Speaking of which, anybody ever buy from hobbyshop2go.com? are they legit?
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