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  1. I'm also in that boat with NY, although I haven't bothered to try and reach out to them as of yet. With the state of the world today, I don't mind being patient, but I'm debating with myself if I should start worrying about NY not coming through at all.
  2. I've never owned any of the other Garland figures out there, but taken on his own merits, the Proto-Garland is pretty fantastic. Solid as a rock, fun to transform (apart from those damn red flaps that love popping off). Feels like a mini SoC with all that delicious paint and diecast.
  3. Missiles came in yesterday: A decent little set. Still a bit salty at the fact they aren't being included with the upcoming VF-1S. Ended up late to the party on this TWE set. A work of caution on the hard-points for the individually-mounted reaction missiles. Once they're fully installed into the missile, the task of prying them apart is going to be somewhere between obnoxious and impossible. Personally, I'm not sure if I care all that much; they basically function as a single piece anyway. But if you think you'll ever want to separate those missiles from their hard-points, I'd recommend either not pushing them together all the way or lightly sanding the connection point.
  4. Same exact thing happened to me. I think...we're good? Payment went through. Order Missed out on the SOC Dairugger, but hopefully there will be other opportunities on that one...
  5. The Dark Souls of preorders...
  6. I never had any problems with packaging the few times I've used them, although they were much smaller items than this will be. I do trust their packaging more than Nippon Yasan, but that's a low bar to clear. Packaging aside, AE did earn itself a reputation for nonexistent customer service and outright taking people's money without ever shipping their order. That latter issue was not something that seemed to happen a lot (they aren't Premium Collectables), but it did appear to happen frequently enough, that I won't ever use them for items over $100 USD, even if they have a much lower price.
  7. Lots of good advice here. I'll add this: eBay has a search function that allows you to view recently completed/sold listings. If you're looking for an idea of what individual pieces of your collection might be worth, it's a good place to start.
  8. I want this to be good, I really do. If Toynami's Voltron offerings are any indication, I expect it to be an....adequate toy that is monstrously overpriced.
  9. Just got word from NY that my Roy's release date has been moved up to the 18th. Woohoo!
  10. Huh. Was the "pay later" something you had to opt into? They took my $200 almost as soon as it was ordered.
  11. Bah. My preordered Roy was supposed to ship today, but instead, Nippon Yasan contacts me saying that it's been delayed to November 30th. Seems a little shady that I'm getting an email from them literally the day they said it would ship. I don't have a lot of familiarity with either Arcadia's production runs or NY's trustworthiness as a retailer. Should I be concerned that this transaction isn't going to come through? NY already has my money.
  12. Erm....the swing bar for the legs? The pins in the shoulders? Congrats, btw!
  13. Not sure if this qualifies as o/t, but has anyone figured out a fix for that? My hook droops something fierce in fighter mode. I'm assuming the hook is attached to the backpack via a friction joint, but I'm hesitant to try and wiggle it out, for fear of breakage.
  14. Not a bad price at all! We'll see what this ends up costing shipped to the states, but can't really complain about the baseline MSRP. This is a great/horrible time to be a MP Transformer/Macross fan....I'm selling a bunch of my collection on eBay, but even still...all the product coming out over the next six months is going to destroy my wallet. ~Dan
  15. Ahh this makes me sad. Macross II was the first anime I ever watched and I have an almost irrational love for this particular valk. But this is really shaping up to be an inferior release. ET is charging Yamato prices for nowhere near that level of engineering. Pass until sale.
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