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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I have the BDs and DVDs. The only upscales on the BDs are some of the extras. The episodic PQ on the BDs is emminently superior to the DVDs. If the DVDs work for you then that's great, of course, but if you want the show in the best possible state then it's the BDs, without question. 4:3 vs 16:9 - as per above.
  2. I don't have both sets to compare, just the LE, but I thought the RE was just the same discs, minus the extras disc. I'd be surprised if the actual episode discs were any different between the two sets. Just to echo every other positive sentiment in this thread, the LE BD set is a thing of beauty, from the physical package itself, to the actual disc content. Glorious. Macross has never looked this good on home media and it's hard to imagine it looking any better. Costly to acquire now, but emminently worth it if you're really that much into the show. I used MakeMKV, MKV Splitter and MKVMerge to rip the video to MKV format, cut it into individual episodes, and then merge in the English subs and dub from the ADV DVDs. It requires work on the timings of the merged in tracks but nothing overly onerous.
  3. 1986 was my first exposure - HG released the first two episodes on VHS under their 'Video Gems" banner in the UK; In the days before the internet it was a good few years until I got to see how the story continued. 1994 saw Kiseki start to release the series on VHS. Unfortunately these releases ceased after a 7th volume, with only the first 20 episodes released. It was great to see new episodes, but again, frustration at facing the prospect of another long wait to see how the series continued/concluded. Luckily, the series was being shown on satellite (Sci-Fi), and with my parents eventually subscribing I finally got the chance to see the whole series. I was completely ignorant to the existence of Macross, or the origins of Robotech. It seemed a little odd, the three different segments never really seemed to work, and I was left saddened when there was no return to the original characters (from the Macross part) before the series ended. In subsequent rewatches I rarely continued through into the Southern Cross and Mospeada arcs. Eventually I came across a VHS for DYRL and noted the connection with the first part of Robotech. I assumed that it was the second movie in a series given where that movie starts in relation to what happens in the series. Having piqued my interest I used the Internet, which was then around, and finally discovered the original series and its history with Robotech. It was then a while again before I picked up the Animeigo DVDs, and then again before I got the ADV sets. Certainly the ongoing situation with HG angers me, but irrespective I still appreciate Robotech. It was my introduction to anime, and without it I'd never have discovered Macross. That being said, as much as I enjoyed Robotech, I just adore Macross. Even now, 30 years after seeing Robotech, and about 15 since I saw Macross, it's still my favourite anime, without rival. I picked up the Japanese blu rays a few months ago, which prompted another rewatch. Not only is it a great series. Still. But it's also looking absolutely fantastic in HD.
  4. Misa for me too, such a great character. Probably my favourite anime character of all time, largely for the reasons quoted above. Sylvie and Roy would have to duke it out for runner up - I enjoy/ed them both.
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