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Everything posted by ridgebacks

  1. As someone who never had hasegawa kit, is this new 1/72 from them transformable like bandai's? Or is it just fighter mode only that also needs to be painted?
  2. I'd buy it, if it's not that I don't have the skill or equipments to do the painting...
  3. I wonder how much money Aisha made from the 31 design, giving that she's the original creator of the YF-30.
  4. Oh crap! Didn't know Tomytec made Delta stuff. Had their Ace Combat Zero Galm team from way back. Snagged the draken, and a F15-SMTD
  5. Yeah, the gap is quite large compare to the rest of the body.
  6. Huh? My 31A (the one with delta wings) was grey. Do you play with the pre-order stuff on a JPN psn account? That might explains the Itasha VF because it's a first-print bonus. I don't have it because I'm playing my copy on a NA account. I think the grey 31A with delta wings unlocks after doing 10 or so missions in Chaos line.
  7. You get the 31A after doing some Xaos mission, which is the first good plan after those 171s.
  8. >late by 13 hours...
  9. Thanks to the bitch that's called Harmony Gold, Macross can't be released anywhere else other than Japan. Thus making the effort of translation and coding English sub into game a total wasted effort to the dev.
  10. Someone suggested the Ozma's pack would looks ok with the 29B. So I brought one. It really does look great. Except the SMS logo thou. Anyone knows where can I get some NUN spacy logo stickers?
  11. Well, after wrestling with the Japanese site, it seems that there's another batch which will be released in March. Then found out a site called Hype-Tokyo which sells those (also March release). Placed an order without a second thought.
  12. Is there any place to order this for ppl in North America?
  13. Is there a release date for DX 31J super pack? And is there any site open to preorder now?
  14. Same here. Not really dig the super pack for the 31, but on one hand, if I finally want to get it down the road, the price would be skyrocketed, on the other, it's a super pack. Guess I will get it then.
  15. Received the package on Friday. Only had a chance to open it on Sunday night. Got a quick photo before I have to put it into the shelf and head to bed. Gonna do transformation next weekend (or never, I hate to chip the paint :x ).
  16. Is it me or the 31 kinda lacks maneuvering thrusters compare to the 25?
  17. You can use your PS3 JPN account with a new memory card (or willing to format your only card) to switch your vita to JPN region and buy the DLC. And no, you cannot transfer the DLC to your US account.
  18. Well look at Mr. money bag here, with 3 of each valk. Joke aside, nice set up. By the way, what's that clean stand you are using for the 31? Is there any place to get it?
  19. Oh... I didn't know NY scalps that much... It totals about 319 Canadian peso for me. Since I just got a new job with better pay, I wont' worry about that extra 46 C peso too much. But will keep it in mind next time.
  20. FYI, if you still wanna get a 31J, nippon-yasan is still open for order. I got an order in on 20th, and it shipped on 22nd.
  21. So the face in battlroid mode becomes a separate piece? And also, that huge gap behind the cockpit in fighter mode worries me a bit.
  22. The 3rd sub weapon is L+circle, which also costs 1 SP to use.
  23. For the Walkures support Stats, it's: shooting +5 melee +5 maneuverability +5 Defense +5 focus +5 spirit +15 And that's all I know because I can only read kanji due to know Chinese.
  24. Wow nice! Total about $52 CAD for me. Way cheaper than playaisa's $90+ CAD.
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