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Everything posted by ridgebacks

  1. Is it me or Nippon-Yasan is having problem with their site?
  2. Bored, made this in a hurry: What it feels like for the macross junkies like us.
  3. 2AM, or 8hrs and 30mins from now.
  4. Right now it says "Reservation closed". Does that mean the pre-order is already finished or it's just their way of put it as inactive?
  5. As well as NY, with a ridiculous mark up.
  6. Kinda doubt they are gonna release the AP for J, C and F. The basic rule is that if it didn't appear on screen (whether it's tv ver. or movie ver.), the chance it will get release is slim to none. The F might get a lil dragon set and that's it. So each one has their own "special setup" in some way (except Mirage's, she gets nothing). edit: btw, do you guys think there will be enough S for the pre-order window to open for at least a day or two? I don't think I can make it to the 2AM EST release time and might only be able to get an order at 12 hours later.
  7. ridgebacks


    Buying directly on taobao is a classic case of "your mileage may vary". Some seller has good reputation and ships on time. Some others prefer to sell to whoever can pay the higher price first instead of shipping it to the pre-ordered people first to maximize profit. There were couple threads expose those sellers on Chinese macross forum. So if you can't understand Chinese, I strongly not recommend buying from there.
  8. Standard rule is that if it's not shown in either the movie or TV show, it won't get released. So the J, C, F won't get the AP. F might get the lil dragon pack thou.
  9. Is it me or the insignia is just bit smaller than in the show? And it's way too far back? Can't Bandai get one single insignia right with the 31 line?
  10. You know Bandai, of course they will make a 01 one with Arad's insignia when they are running low on money, and watch everyone drain their bank account.
  11. I think you can fix that glossy issue with a can of matte top coat, like the one mostly used for gunpla should be good enough.
  12. @borgified They already made that, in the form of 1/72 decultured transformable line. Amazon has it here: https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Macross-Sv-262-Machine-Deculture/dp/B07211LWZH
  13. It is backward in F mode. Circled part is the gun barrel. Also, the middle connector doesn't have that yellow circle facing forward in F mode. So we can assume that the whole turret rotates 180 when it's in "deployed mode" like the G mode picture.
  14. Hmm, seems like the only thing I will get out of this movie is Arad's 31 with AP and that's it.
  15. Educated guess, Bluray will be a half year wait. So we are looking at an August release.
  16. It's sell sell sell. Not only limit to valks, but CDs, BRs, and everything in-between.
  17. Also, found this: Mirage's 262 it seems.
  18. Sold... Wondering when the Arad's VF and that AP pack will be out for pre-order. Just hope it won't be another "event lottery exclusive" like the Kai.
  19. Wait, what kind of stand is that? And how's that thing holding up the DX with that small of a connector?
  20. So... is this pre-painted like the tomytec kit? Or you need to do everything yourself? I'm kinda tempting to get 1 for the only reason of having a smaller scaled 31J to put near my PC.
  21. Here goes my money...
  22. Looks like they actually increase the canards size (as pointed out by that picture). The physical reason from the 31's masterfile is that because the delta squad's 31 all uses forward swipe wing, the VF's center of lift got moved forward. So their 31s all have smaller canards. The 31A's canards are the "correct" size.
  23. And also that skull icon on Messer's had the correct angle instead of what we got.
  24. Well, in-universe, those armor also provides retro thrusters (and fuel in some) to use in space. So it's a necessity.
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