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Everything posted by ridgebacks

  1. Done and done.
  2. 15 mins people, on your mark!
  3. How's your dekker?
  4. This is a general release. But right now, you still need to pre-order if you want to 100% secure one. Otherwise you'd be by the mercy of the reseller.
  5. I'm glad battletech is more than enough to keep me awake. This really sucks for us EST folks.
  6. Take a look around what forum are you on. The answer is yes,.
  7. Is it me or the bottom fin paint is wrong compare to the show?
  8. Someone on a chinese forum translated that part as "including missiles and arm cannon that shows up in the show". So missiles confirmed?
  9. Don't think they ship by order number. I remember couple pages ago someone who ordered on 10th got his by the end of March already. By the logic his order number should be way behind those who ordered on 6th and 7th. Yet his order got shipped 2 days after the release date.
  10. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner, raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2), ridgebacks Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3) Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  11. Congrat. Hope mine will be ready by the end of this week.
  12. This gives me hope. Never contacted them, I will be patient and keep on waiting.
  13. I checked some of those. One seller mentioned he should receive his stock on Aug 10. Another is out of stock. The rest is mostly copy-paste stuff from either the bandai site or standard stuff about their store. If you can pm me the link, I can do some accurate translation (I'm Chinese-Canadian).
  14. So I ordered on 7th and it's still stuck on "payment OK" to this day, while who ordered on 10th got theirs? Do they pick up order numbers out of a hat every time they have stock or something? IDK wtf is going with NY by this point. But I'm sure that this is my last business with that site.
  15. Yup. No update whatsoever other than "paymant-ok".
  16. On second list, no email yet :x
  17. Or Canada. No update for me after "payment-ok".
  18. Meh. We already waited months. Couple more days won't hurt too much. As long as NY doesn't cancel my order, I'm happy.
  19. Stop teasing us 31A-less people ye jerk Still waiting for update on NY.
  20. Some translation: -Base colour comes straight from unpainted plastic. which results in glossier feel (or more toy like) than the other 31. -Still uses the same battery charger like the delta squad, despite not carry the funnel shield, no missiles means disappointment. -He didn't notice the canard is bigger than the special 31 thou. -Chest Fold carbon is obvious different than the delta's 31. -Should you buy it? If you really like the 31A's design, but don't have the skill to build hasegawa, buy this one right now. The price is already going up in Japan (due to tamashii never does re-print). But if you have the patient, you might want to wait because obviously bandai wants more money, and there's a good chance they will do another release with Arad's insignia sometime in the future.
  21. Yup. That video was quite old.
  22. Missed it at last step because the slow spinning wheel...
  23. Huh, so the order I placed at HLJ did show up 10mins later. Cancelled CDJ's order.
  24. Welp, first ordered 1 on HLJ. Although it says order confirmed, I see no order in process under my account, and no email confirmation either. Placed another one on CDjapan. Got the email and my heart rate drops
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