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Everything posted by ridgebacks

  1. Doubt the AP can be flew in atmosphere. It's just too heavy and not enough propellant from those added boosters.
  2. I've heard you only need 1 kidney to live. So...
  3. Sigh... The clock keeps ticking...
  4. It is. Just wanna make it a bit more clear. Also wanna say that after digging out my 31J from the box, I was wrong. There's no slot to fit the peg at 1 on older 31. There are two smaller slot which I highly doubt can fit that peg. So I guess the lull draken is, indeed can only be used on the movie ver. 31F with a new wing mold with a proper slot for that peg.
  5. Here's a more detailed explanation about the connector: 1. goes into the slot on the side of the wing when you bend down the forward swipe part. 2. goes under the slot on lill draken. 3. the forward swipe part of the wing slip through from here, which should cover up the lower half of the connector. 4. goes into the missile slot under the forward swipe part of the wing to reinforce the whole structure. Looks like this should works on any delta's 31 (except 31A) no matter whether it's a J or a ver2 F. If you want, you can have a full delta squad with lill draken setup (which means you need to buy 5 sets of lill draken, which means bandai wins again ) to display.
  6. They are still updating it I guess. The thumbnail changes from "not available" to "pre-order" just a second ago as I hitting refresh on the search page.
  7. I guess. Placed an order, but for some reason it told me my CC is declined and they will attempt once more in 1~2 days without dropping my confirmed order. The same thing happened with CDJ during the YF19 PO madness before. The card works like an hours ago. No idea whether it's their end's problem or mine giving that on my end my CC isn't auto locked by suspecting transaction.
  8. CDJapan is up: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-287977 But that price... 1k+ more than the TWE price...
  9. Can't find it on NY and CDJ.
  10. Me... Even when they still haven't delivery my 31A. For TWE item there's not much choice for PO.
  11. Yes. I think it's more like a special connector rather than a swappable wings. And that connector comes with this new draken set, and in the Heyata 31F set.
  12. So the new draken sets PO starts in how long since now? And which site can we PO from?
  13. If memory serves, it's not Xaos got the Drakens. Messer's 31F was down on windmere's planet and presumably captured. When Hayata and Mirage infiltrates, he found the Windmere's refitted 31F with the drakons on it already. Mirage just stole a spare 262 since she doesn't have any thing to fly.
  14. I think there's no changes on the F itself. The draken adaptor is in the F package. But the draken itself is a TWE exclusive. And Bandai can frak right off with this one.
  15. Yeah, I misunderstood. The OP of that meant this is more premium than the actual premium ver. You are right this one was based on the non-premium ver.
  16. Saw this on a Chinese macross forum. Someone using some shading technique to achieve the anime looks (it's a premium ver.):
  17. I brought the 31s for the sole reason of using that ridiculous looking AP pack.
  18. In other news, NY is selling 31J kai for 30k: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/23360-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31j-kai-siegfried-hayate-immelman-custom-limited-edition.html
  19. "This one costs 53780 yen.." His wife: "How much did you say?" "ah..." "Correction, this one costs 5378 yen."
  20. Those accessories are just too good. You'd have enough missiles to fill out the YF-19 and still have left over for one or two 31.
  21. My NY order still has no update while someone in China brought these much. And he says he still misses one. Right now I truly believe this is a NY frakk up instead of bandai's.
  22. Saw this new picture. Seems they fixed the leg fin paint compare to early showing.
  23. Just got hlj confirmation.
  24. No hlj confirmation email, placed another at amiami and got the order acknowledgement email straight away.
  25. My 31s order at hlj took them 15mins to send me the confirmation email. So as long as you see the order confirmation page, you are good.
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