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Everything posted by ridgebacks

  1. Not toy related, but I did switch from a Detolf to a larger cabinet so I can stuff more VF into it Have a couple more things waiting to be shipped out before the end of year.
  2. Yup. On the Chinese market, 31S's price starts steadily going up ever since the AP announcement. Now I've seen report of people can't even find a 31S seller as most of them started to hold off their stock for a huge price hike after the AP release date. Our valk now feels like bitcoin 2.0 or something.
  3. I can't imagine what 31A's price will skyrocket to if they release AP armor for it...
  4. This armor (with shipping) costs me $300 CP (Canadian peso). Just hope NY won't have another 31A incident.
  5. So finally decided to jump on the Yeti stand. Some quick questions thou. Which adapter should I use for the DX yf-19? A DX standing adapter with the bandai's fighter mode holder on it? And which adapter for the VF-31? Which component should I choose if I want both pitch and roll on my model? Say if I want to hold a yf-29 and a yf-19 in flight pose, will the Ikea DETOLF cabinet big enough for it?
  6. It think the armor just covers the whole canard.
  7. Seem like the mechanic to hold the booster on the wing will be just like the Fast pack, but with some obscure so that the wing has to fold down at an angle like the lil' draken pack.
  8. Gotta admit, the lil' draken looks better on the 31S than the F.
  9. The last time I sent in a support ticket was September. Guess they gave up and just gave me my valk.
  10. Didn't get an email but when I checked my order history out of the blue... I almost give up on my 31A order. At least NY kept their promise and actually fulfill the order instead of cancel it even after all those time.
  11. Is that some kind of challenge?
  12. A B S O L U T E U N I T
  13. Still stuck in limbo T_T
  14. You know bandai. If there's more money to be made, they will do it (means they will just keep re-release repainted packs). Beside, even the the OVA, the AP matches the VF's colour so you bet your ass they will not release a uniformed colour set.
  15. And mine is still stuck on "payment ok". I'm seriously consider getting a refund and cancel my order from them by this point. It's been dragged out for so long that any interest I had for the 31A is about to run down to 0.
  16. I've sent them 4 ticket so far, and unlike everyone else, mine is still stuck in "payment ok". And I only ordered 1.
  17. Same. Mine popped off within 1 mins of taking the VF out of the package.
  18. No broken antenna from HLJ here. I'd like to say, the yf-19 really is a pain in the ass to transform. First time handling any kind of 19. It took me 1.5 hours to put on the SP pack (the shoulder armor can't lock into the leg for some reason). Gotta say, is it me or the canopy isn't blue enough even compare to the box cover?
  19. Just got mine from the post office. Out of 5 VFs that I brought over the years, this is the first time got charged with custom. Gonna open up the package tomorrow and hope to GOD the head antenna is intact.
  20. Interesting. It seems there's 2 types of adapter. It does seem the right side (the VF's right) one is a more "correct" angle according to the movie. In the movie the VF has enough clearance to land. It might be impossible with the left one's angle.
  21. Congrat. While My 10/07 order is still stuck at "Pre-order -Payment OK". Gotta love how NY does business.
  22. Welp, guess I will buy it just for the Fighter mode Kiros.
  23. You will have more missiles than you know what to do with them if you pre-ordered the DX yf-19.
  24. Welp, my 31s has arrived in my flexdelivery address. Too bad I won't have time until tomorrow to pick it up.
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