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Everything posted by NightmarePlus

  1. What's this one? Is it the variant that appeared in Macross E?
  2. There's something sexy about the Pre-Frontier VFs having the NUNS emblem on them. Can't wait to get this one when it drops!
  3. From an angle i thought that looked like a VF-25. Anyways this is looking great!
  4. I'd like to believe that they woke up from that before the series ended and were understandably pissed.
  5. I want 10 of them
  6. Are there plans to introduce units from the other shows?
  7. Is there any new updates regarding the new series? Usually by now we'd get a teaser image and or trailer if Macross Delta's advertisement is anything to go by.
  8. I hope so too since it would be a change of pace from the last two macross series we got, but i'm not holding my breath for this.
  9. Aw, they're not available anymore. Are they on Soundcloud?
  10. There was one scene in episode 13 where a mook 31A maneuvered behind a Var'd 171 and shot it down. During that 3-5 second scene it showed the canards moving. If i had a Gif i would post it.
  11. I want the people who made to give an apology to us. I know it's wicked late, but i have a few complaints about this episode. First off, how the hell did Frejya not get hit by, not one, but the flaming wreckage of TWO Lil'Drakkens? Why not play Ikenai Borderline and Absolute 5 for the finale? Those two songs would have been perfect. Assuming all those other NUNS ships were from Voldor, i would have liked to see some Voldoran Strike 171s kicking the crap out of the Windies in space like how they did in Ep 22, although at least we got Elysion doing some work though.
  12. Reminds me of the story writing technique for World War Z. Keep it up!
  13. We should get a VF-X Ravens OVA or anything exploring the regular New UN Spacey Forces really. I fear that the whole "PMC using the newest toys" might become a trend in future Macross series. Give us one with the Regs point of view already!
  14. IIRC, wouldn't that cause health complications? I've read that a lot of Sorprano's died because of castration at an early age, so i'd image Roid would want to avoid that happening to Heinz.
  15. Yeah, but that's only because he shot it into the ship and possibly the hanger section, where there would be fighters with loaded ordinance and unloaded ordinance.
  16. Nitpicking here, Keith didn't destroy that ship with his cannon. He got in the AA Guns' dead zone and unloaded a salvo of Micro missiles into the ship via the launch bay.
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