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Everything posted by godfather

  1. What? No severed horse's head in their beds? {snip!} No. That'd be way too good for the little $#!%s who did this.
  2. I hope the culprit is found and he/she/them is poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, streched, disembowled, drawn and quartered. And then taken to jail.
  3. Could also be what the Red Astray used as a weapon of last resort (ie. "I'm getting my ass kicked. Time to pull out a fast one and get the hell away.") In the manga, Lowe discovers by accident that if he channels power to the hand as if he were to use the beam sword but actually not use one, he has a poormans version of the 'burning' finger attack. So now it's been incorporated into this lets-put-all-the-weapons-we-can-find-plus-a-few-more-that-don't-fit Gundam. Or I could be way off and it's just a beam shield thingy.
  4. BTW, http://www.animesuki.com has episode 19 ready for d/l.
  5. Dude, you've finally crossed the line from plain ol' obsession to hot & juicy kinky obsession with Lunamaria. Welcome, brother!
  6. Just saw this at HLJ: next Hasegawa kit (1/72 VF-1A/J/S Valkyrie) Guess they went again for a recycled Valk.
  7. [Darth Vader] Impressive! Most impressive. [/Darth Vader]
  8. I agree about Macross-0 battroids... makes sense and I hope they don't stop there. BTW, is Macross-0 still being shown or has it run its course?
  9. Any rumors, thoughts, ideas, speculations on what the next Macross kit's gonna be?
  10. I'd probably go for a YF-19. Love them forward swept wings.
  11. I recently got the dreaded "out of stock & no longer being produced" email from HobbyLink Japan regarding my VF-0A Hasegawa kit order. While scouring the web for another source I ran into a vendor that no only has VF-0As on stock but also the Low Vis VF-1A: Toys N Joys - Macross models page Get 'em while you still can. p.s. Ordered from them w/o any problems.
  12. Depends where you look. HLJ only has one of the sets left but I've seen Hobbyfan carry all 3 from time to time, plus they sometimes popup on evilBay as well. Good luck.
  13. Ouch. I feel for ya dude. You might want to put a muzzle on the puppy while he's indoors, at least until he learns (if that's possible ) not to chew on everything he sees. I had to do the same to 3 german shepherd puppies we had at home when I was in high school. As they grew, I slowly switched to using the muzzle only when they misbehaved (ie. chewed into something they were not supposed to, like model kits , teddy bears or each other ). They eventually got the point that if they wanted to be inside with nothing on their faces, they had to behave.
  14. Where can I get this and see some pics? With all the "fun" I've had in Florida recently I've lost track of the thread for this booster.
  15. [Vorlon] Yes. [/Vorlon]
  16. Joy! Received my shipping confirm for these from HLJ last Friday.
  17. Preorder, grasshopper... preorder. What sucks though is that sometimes it is SO LIMITED that even preordering doesn't get you squat.
  18. I have 1 of these on order. Nice box art.
  19. I managed to download most of the recent threads and will be converting them to PDF files soon. WMCheng's already given his blessing to do this. As for the older ones, one can only hope that they'll be salvagable.
  20. Veronica, fijate en esta pagina para precios de costo de envio desde Japon: HLJ Shipping Info Page For a VF-0 kit (que pesa 450 gramos aproximadamente) it will run you around 680 yen (que es mas o menos 11,984 bolivares). Shipping directly to Venezuela from Japan doesn't appear to be that much more expensive than shipping to the U.S. from Japan. With HLJ, the more kits you get per order the cheaper the shipping costs per kit. You might want to consider order the VF-0 and SV-51 after all.
  21. Castrol SuperClean also works on acrylics.
  22. I'll look for ya as I will also be prowling the dealers room. If you get a chance, join us at the unofficial Saturday WF Pool Party (check out this Wonderfest 2004 thread for details).
  23. Awesome job Dobber!
  24. Ah yes... priorities and stuff.
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