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    A Baoa Qu
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    Gundam, Macross, SB Yamato, Star Wars

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  1. Is this the 1st Gundam AGE MS seen on this or the previous GBF?
  2. Agreed. Or even better, a MG Gundam X Divider.
  3. Thanks. So it's another recolor. Figures Bandai'd do that...
  4. What does HD mean for the model? It's not the chrome-plating thing, is it? I saw the same on the Mk. II's, but couldn't tell from the pics what the HD dealeo was all about... Agreed. 84 yen per dollar and falling, last I checked.
  5. I took visiting family members to see this movie back on Dec. '99. To this day I can't forget the face my mother had (before she walked out of the movie, crying) when the giant took on the nuke... [as the Giant flies toward the missile] Hogarth Hughes: [in the Giant's mind] You are what you choose to be. The Iron Giant: [closes his eyes] Superman... When an animated flick can move you to tears, you know it's a good one.
  6. MG Infinity Justice? Kewl. Anybody knows if there'll be more MG's from Unicorn? After seeing this, I'd love to have that Sinanju in MG.
  7. Brain-in-a-can anyone?
  8. A friend and me have had wild theories that Veda is actually the old dude's* brain in a jar. (* who spoke to the world in the first episodes about CB's mission to end warfare) As for the GN-X, looks like the bastard offspring of Turn-A Gundam and Gundam Double-X. Saji is gonna be looking to chop some heads off
  9. From Gunota: MG Gelgoog Ver. 2.0 - mass-production type, April MG Strike Gundam + Sword Striker & Launcher Striker - April, 5,250 yen HG Gundam Nadleeh - April, 1,260 yen HG Gundam Throne Drei - April, 1,680 yen BB Senshi Sangokuden Koumei Re-GZ - April, 630 yen In Action!! Offshoot Guren Mk II - Summer In Action!! Offshoot Gloucester - Cornelia custom, Summer GFF Gundam Mk III - May Gundam 00 GN-X - New model MS equipped with a GN Drive, Design by Kanetake Ebikawa.
  10. I agree about the music video, but OTOH, it seemed to point out that someone will be looking to get even with the Gundams for ruining his & her future together. Oh, and about the last scene on this episode...
  11. There's an in-box review of the 1/60 Exia here: Linky!
  12. Indeed. If they are smart, they'll release it as as add-on (ala Armored Core weapons) quickly. Otherwise, some entrepreneurial GK will beat them to the punch. Btw, just saw this at Gunota: HG Gundam Astrea
  13. IMNSHO, nothing can be worse than Wing. Except maybe G-Saviour...
  14. There's been some speculation online that since the MG Destiny box art had the Legend in the background, that it could be released as MG. Guess they might end up releasing the GSD quartet (Strike Freedom, Destiny, Legend, Infinite Justice) in MG form after all. So, is Bandai "milking?" A-yup.
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