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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Advertise it on the Mechwarrior Online forum. They love their Battletech models over there and are making alot of 3D printed stuff for sale. http://mwomercs.com/forums/ Just call it an Unseen 65ton Rifleman
  2. Saturday night and the first model gets started. Was supposed to be a test model, one of the Bandai throw away VF-1 models, but after poking around through the boxes i liked the look of one of the VF19A's better. All the major assemblies sorted, undercoated and test fitted only. Still need to cement together and sort the seams. As pretty much EVERY one of the 22 models will be a custom I'm thinking this one will be a Lo-Viz Digital or maybe a Hex camo.
  3. there was an attempt recently that went WAY off track with cards and other crap added. Mechwarrior Tactics.
  4. send me your address and I'll send it anyways. It needs a good home.
  5. do you have any spare 1/72 pilots or left over decals laying round? I'll trade.
  6. That Tyrell is an accident. The Japanstore on Amazon sent it in place of a Valk. lol Its free to a good home.
  7. Started work fitting the fiber optics and painting up a bunch of the cockpits this weekend and was a little gutted to find just how many of the Hasegawa kits don't have the pilots/copilots with them. More than I had planned! Waiting on some more Weapons kits for the extra crew now.
  8. I want those VF25 kits
  9. Brazilian Portugese is my one to learn from the old GF.... Hey Mosa, sua bunda gostosa!
  10. You can build a rotary airsoft cannon fairly easily nowadays. There are alot of tutorials on it online. You can also buy a Mossberg Tactical Shotgun from Tokyo Marui that has 3 barrels hidden inside to fire 3 BBs at a time. That could be retrofitted into this project easily enough.
  11. Airsoft internals?
  12. lol Bridge bunnies.... don't EVER let that good looking cosplay model read you called her that!
  13. Best idea for that model I've seen yet. Looks real and functional now.
  14. If only those bays came in 1/72!
  15. ahhhh yes!!! Parafilm is used in the Chemistry lab to cover over test tubes and Flasks before mixing products! Its a waxy film.
  16. Actually the Gym in the garage is the Wifes. Shes a Genetics Scientist and Fitness Junkie thats qualified as a trainer. Likes to do stupid things like 100km offroad run events and 40hr Crossfit comps under the trade name "Kims Next Level". So I have to fight her for space. One corner has all my IPSC Target boards, Snow Boards, Gun safes and Mountain Bikes and thats all I got at the moment!
  17. hmmmm.... I watched the first episode last night and it was pretty good. Reminded me of the Stealth story though.
  18. ... Autobots symbol... Decepticons Symbol
  19. hand cutting and liquid latex could be another option.
  20. Yep... And more on the way... May explore the options of a big screen TV, fridge and bed set up in the Garage/Workshop/Gym as I doubt I'll be leaving it much at night for the next few months. And anybody wanting that Damn TYRELL kit that never should have arrived, PM me.
  21. How would you rate them? I Noticed no pilots.
  22. You can mount a Neopixel http://www.gadgetcat.com/product/neopixel-mini-pcb-pack-of-5-a-1612/ inside the cockpit even hidden behind something like the seat and you'd get a backgound colour wash. The Neopixel can display any brightness from nothing to blinding, and any 4k colour. They are crazy tiny and blindingly bright with a chip controller built in. Then use single strand laquered copper wire to run the three wires out of the cockpit (you could just them as additional piping and paint them) and down the legs to the the feet where you could hollow a foot pad out and add the battery cell (watch/hearingaid size) or use pins to fit into slots in a diaorama base and have the power supply underneath that. Mine are powered by a USB power supply and on the fighters the copper cables are run down each landing leg as "brake lines" in into the Carrier deck though a contact pin. To get the copper lines to lay down the legs you dremel a slot the length of the legs on the outside, lay in the copper wire and putty over it and sand. This is for anything not hollow. I'm trying this technique on 1/72 tail fins and wingtips to get flashing navigation lights to the ends. Either copper strand and heavily sanded to shape 1.8mm LEDs or a single fibre optic strand. The Gundam guys and girls have been doing this awhile I think as I found the techniques on their sites.
  23. They look great next to the VFs and would make a great counter point to the UNSpacy craft as Anti UN ones!
  24. you can buy stencilling mask vinyl from signwriter suppliers. The sheets can be cut on a vinyl cutter, spreyed over and removed fairly easily.
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