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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. I have too many projects now... 4 carrier deck Valk dioramas, 3 street fight dioramas Found the right motor to spin the vulcans... The GH6122S will spin them at about 1172rpm http://www.gizmoszone.com/shopping/html/pages/612datasheet.htm The GS6321S-10 will do the Radar at about 60rpm Just need to work out the servos or stepper motors for the arm lifting and how that will work and one got the torso twist. For the barrels I found these.... And even though everything in Macross uses caseless there is something about a sea of spent cartridges at the Defenders feet that yells "GET SOME!!" so I found these!
  2. Had some fun last night hollowing out the Defenders Chest cavity of all the mount points and bracing it no longer needs with a dremel. Points to note with a Dremel... 1. clean the bit off often, a build up of melted plastic can cause havoc. Just use a small pair of pliers to run lightly against the bit shaft to shave off the collected material. 2. WATCH THE DREMEL CHUCK!! while you are busy shaving away inside your item, the chuck could be unknowingly up against the model melting it down to slag while its spinning at high speed!! While planning for the motors I looked at the weapon arms to plan out the XV models 35mm Gatling system. I need to be able to fit a 20mm long (max) motor inside that will direct drive the centre shaft of the 6 barrel assembly with enough room left in the arm to fit two bearings per arm to carry the weight and spin the barrels at 1000 rpm and still have room to run a fibre optic line to the top breech area to light up the barrels as they spin past that point to simulate firing. Nothing like a challenge....
  3. This movie looks like my sort of thing and finally a practical use of 3D!
  4. We just had Waitangi day, a National Long Weekend so between Motox, renovations, friends rolling utes on the highway and finding time to plan out the wiring on the Defender I built a new spray booth out of left over scrap. Just needs the light bar bolted on, the filter element inseted and an extractor fan fitted and its done. Thought about using a car Aircon blower... The Filter element holders slide out of the ali channels, the foam is place/sandwiched between the two window panels and and the assembly is slid back into place. Simple and easy to change. The only reason its V Groove is thats the paneling I had laying about from the renos. My oddball 1½ yr old Jackson seems to enjoy crawling inside it when ever my back is turns and hes loose in the Garage of Horrors.
  5. I just bought 4 of those kneeling kits!
  6. I'm making it spin for 360° targeting. Thanks to MechTech I have found the perfect 100rpm output motordrive for it!
  7. Ahahahahaha Mechtech,my wife will hate you now... I just looked on that site and talked with a couple of other EOD operators. A plan has formed!! That site now has a permanent short cut on my desktop.
  8. or a Destroid Spartan from Wave to finish the 4
  9. just watched the animations searching for the Defenders and no, it doesnt move... but... doesnt mean it shouldn't
  10. Working on the Wave Defender and trying to determine how to cram in all the wiring, LEDs, Fibre optics and servos when I noticed the Radar can spin. So the question is... does it actually spin or rotate in search mode like a Marine radar? If it does I'll definitely be adding that feature.
  11. Next question... after priming the Defender and looking at how and where I'm fitting in the servos I noticed the radar can be rotated 360°... so my question is... is the radar MEANT to rotate while in operation/search mode? If so I'm looking at making a drive motor so this spins as well
  12. Expect Bentley pricing
  13. Liking that!
  14. the arms are the battroid ones so can be posed and the legs are similar.
  15. its 12.26am Friday night and I'm waiting on paint to dry in one of the rooms I'm renovating so I started on the first of the Wave Defenders... got the basics assembled to work out how to fit in the Mechatronics to swing the body and move the arms in a smooth realistic manner. there is actually a decent amount of room inside the upper body to work with as long as the cockpit internals arent used. Its Possible to route the wiring down inside one leg and have it connect to a socket in the Diorama base and still allow the legs to be moved and posed. Really liking this model! Next mission will be to build spinning rotary cannons for the MkXV version. I have some spare 8mm Airsoft ball race bearings to use for that.
  16. Look up Hanger 54... They made that seat from the remains of a Tornados Martin Baker Mk10 seat
  17. yeah yeah stop showing off that your one is awesome and mine a not so cheap knock off...
  18. The seat ejects so it cant double as the bay. It also projects up and out of the cockpit through the neck when in Battroid mode. Thats a lot of equipment under the seat to allow ejection, tilting in Battroid mode and then extending out of the neck as well. No way the landing gear tucks into this space as well as airframe reinforcing in this area for carrier trap landings and catapult launches... your airframe needs to be bigger. It cant be all packed behind the seat either as in the VF-1D thats where the back seaters legs will be and the seats would be the same. Have a look at the F/A-18 nose gear for an idea of how bulky they need to be for deck landings BTW... your seat design is looking very much like this one.... nice!
  19. thats a tiny model, isnt it...
  20. ahhhhhh...
  21. think I might need to get some of these..
  22. Did you redo your canopy? The supplied ones (3 supplied for screwups I guess) are a terrible approximation.
  23. do the same thing... another slide out tray with another frame holding 12 more fans but in the bottom... that would work well!
  24. The blister will be the targetter. In other words the "where is my gun pointing" device given the weapon will be in a manipulator off bore axis. You could cast in a mini flashlight reflector to look like a camera lens assembly behind the resin. If you wanted to get techo with it you could add a laser pointer as a laser designator/rangefinder.
  25. yeah I guessed that and have mine painted like that, but a missile cant fly without fins unless you want it trying to go sideways. The fins will pop out or unwrap from the body once its under way. I was just commenting on the lack there of in the modeled form.
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