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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. didnt know anyone was doing them that small. I struggle to find 1/72 ones!
  2. First marriage survived 9 years of military service but the 10th year then PMC work and Demining broke its back. This marriage she's still coming to terms with my alternative employment choice so eyes wide open for her is how I'd rather do it. No secrets, no misinformation, no softening what its really like, that way no regrets, no surprises. I hear you on shopping... far too much choice and its totally surplus to requirement! And I really dont like being in crowds so I'm not into Malls unless I'm on the top floor looking out. My daughter takes great pleasure in torturing my with Mall trips. Even Daycares with all the kids coming up to you... not a fan. Arm and a half length away minimum thanks. Tested out the booth on UN Spacy Battle Taxi victim no.1 last night. Brilliant. Wife can in and her only complaint was the volume on Five Finger Death Punch. No solvent smell at all. The lighting is good, the sound volume is very low and unobtrusive, the working space is big enough. I just need to relocate the Airbrush cradle to the inside of the booth as that was a pain reaching over it to the wall.
  3. Its a genetic defect thats ran in my family since my great grandad in WW1. Lack of pain response. We feel pain but not the need to jerk away from it. As of right now I have one fractured ankle and a broken index finger. I am aware of them not being right but there is no severe pain so I can use them fine until they swell up too much. Kids have it, brothers have it, its useful and dangerous. I've had 15 serious concussions, shatter collar bone in 5 places, both wrists broken, punctured lung 7 times, dislocated knees 9 times, both thumbs broken, sternum cracked and ribs displaced, nose broken, forearm broken, hip dislocated, ankle ligaments torn and LOTS of burns, cuts and scars. Worst burn was doing a barrel change on a C9 Minimi/M249 then grabbing the spare barrel after putting 400rds through it to relocate at speed to a better position. The barrel was blue! My10yr old son's always binning his bike on the track in the bush when he gets distracted and watches a plane fly by while in the twisties... no pain means no incentive to avoid wreaks. My daughter (when she was 11yrs old) broke her jaw on a BMX track and was only worried about how she would look! Freaked the docs out as she was quoting Shakespeare to them instead of being in tears. Parents freak when the kids scrap out the Lime from the track from their grazes without blinking when its meant to sting I think. I'm great fun to watch when putting up Barbed Wire fencing or inspecting craters post blast and I see shiny blued still pinking hot metal fragments...
  4. Is it really that critical? How dusty is the environment you're spraying in? Airbrush paints dry super fast as well so the time exposed to dust while the surface is tacky is minutes at best. No point over thinking and over complicating something if you aren't building competition master pieces. You start spraying inside a sealed fume hood setup and you will discover removing your airbrush to change a colour will be problematic and negate your zero dust setup unless you have positive pressure inside as you open it. In which case you just vented the vapours into your own face. May as well look for an NBC suit while you are at it. Keep those things in mind when you design something. When ever you do something, do as we do in the Army and ask yourself in order to do what? I want an airbrush booth in order to....remove vapour and contain over spray? Be dust free? Be hermetically sealed? You don't need or want hurricane force air speeds flowing into your booth, you just want to catch and guide what IS in there in the right direction to head out the rear of the booth.The Airbrush will be blasting more air at a higher speed than your exhaust fans. Otherwise you'll be sucking in all the household airborne particulates and actually creating the problem. The purpose of the filter at the rear is JUST to catch particulates (paint) in the air and reduce the amount getting on the fans, ducting and out into the air. My booth is simply to contain overspray and blow some of the vapours out of the garage to keep the wife happy while not costing an arm and a leg to build and maintain, providing me with some lighting to see whats being worked on and being as quiet as possible to not make me think I'm billeted in the aux generator room of an Aircraft Carrier.
  5. Damn thats cool!
  6. She who must be appeased or kept in the dark. "Shot" myself in the foot taking her to see 13 Hours. Now she REALLY doesnt want me going back on PMC roles! Shes a funny one. Scientist by day, Gym trainer by night, Geordie accent and likes to drag tractor tyres up and down the driveway and run 100km offroad events for fun.
  7. Paused the model making to finish the workspace this weekend. All done and almost all with scrap left over from the House Revos plus 10 x $10NZD 120mm PC Fans and one $68NZD Power Supply. Filter sheets and perspex panel are left overs from the pond filters and waterfall boxes (we have a few ponds and a 20m stream running through the yard) and the LED strip lighting is a mix of the left over pond ones (for under the bridge and rapids/falls) and the ones from the cabinets and Weapons/Medals/Missions displays down the hallway. So Airbrush booth sorted. Paint racks sorted. Wife no longer nagging for me to finish making her some fence lights, sorted. Wife appeased after a weekend in the garage by taking her to dinner and to see 13 Hours... sorted. A productive and injury free weekend apart from one screw 15mm into my foot and one chisel tip in the other. Now I HAVE a proper work bench i can kick the street and carrier deck scenes into high gear.
  8. I'm working with Florys Clay based washes. http://www.florymodels.co.uk/
  9. Thanks for the Info, just bought 2 to use as UN Marine Destroid support units.
  10. Really like this realistic take on a Zentradi soldier... would look the part as a 140mm (1:12) figure to go with my 1/72 city scenes. http://fcarlesimo.blogspot.co.nz/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-03:00&updated-max=2014-01-01T00:00:00-03:00&max-results=3
  11. Warthunder IS pretty epic. Ground and Air rock. And on April fools each year they do something stupid. Last year was Walking tanks, Destroid style and inflatable tanks powered by 2 guys pedalling bicylces and they fired spuds. Year before was a Godzilla sized Gaijin logo Snail brought to life and smashing Paris while we flew round its head trying to avoid the laser eyes and bring the beast down. You have to admire a company that has a sense of humour.
  12. Righto... the 8pm courier dropped off the Tamiya paints I ordered this afternoon out to our place in the Waitak Ranges and the fun begins! M90 Splinter Camo Temperate is made up of 3 colours M90 Dark Green made from XF26 @ 216 drops - XF69 @ 100 drops - XF55 @ 40 drops M90 Light Green made from XF5 @ 170 drops - XF55 @ 31 drops - XF4 @ 10 drops M90 Black made from straight Nato Black XF69 but if its a factory new finish you want use XF69 1:1 XF1 That's according the Swedens best CV90 modeller anyways.
  13. Comment... that's bloody well finished and weathered! Love it. Criticism... why don't they have that plane in Warthunder???
  14. Had a NOT so fun weekend. Little Man ran off with the Vulcan motor drive and broke off the red wire. Unrepairable at 6mm total diameter so its U/S and for the bin. Drilled out the Defender X barrels and even on the slowest speed still heated the styrene enough to deform it. Rethink on that plan. Got the Torso servo fitted up and running, Arm Targetters running, Head green LED running, Radar spinning, Arm bearings fitted (Airsoft gearbox bearings) and before it broke, the Vulcan fitted and spinning... before the 1 1/2 yr old wreaking machine product tested it and failed it. Meantime after $103 I have the airbrush back up and running. Settled on a camo scheme for all my UN forces. Swedish Splinter. Green for the UN Marine forces and Grey for the UN Navy/UN Airforce. Saving Digital camo for the Anti UN forces as its a bitch to paint well. The Air Defence units that are in the Park scene will now be surrounded by trees in Autumn. Otherwise they would disappear in Green Splinter Camo. Thats the 8 man Javelin Team and their GTk Boxer Transport, a Fennek Scout car and the two Destroid Defenders, MkX "Thunderstrike" and MkXV "Hellstorm".
  15. Agreed Looking through their catalog they have some good bases for some 1/144 scale dioramas with there line of 1/150 N scale city scenes!
  16. yeah thanks for the ideas. Had a look at it and already having a few ideas.... they would be good for turret turning in a 1/72 tank or afv
  17. Assembled one of the Vulcans to the home made shaft and bearings and to the mini motor and gearbox. Spun it up and... IT WORKS!!! Fairly centered, not to much axial wobble and it looks believable!
  18. The Biowire actuators from Toki are too long unfortunately. I'm limited to 15mm and theirs is 39mm. Back to the drawing board for that one. The Vulcan drive motor and Radar motor arrived this morning though!! Also solved the airbrush issue. I dropped/lost the 1.5x3mm tip from the end of the head. That explains why a new washer didnt stop it blowing air into the paint pot! Now just need a new one.
  19. hmmmmm.... I wonder if they can lift the arms up and down...
  20. I thought memory wire had to be heated to change form.
  21. for? if you're thinking for the missile doors, I cant have heat near the Styrene. Built the two cannons last night. Can not recommend avoiding this task enough! PAINFUL!
  22. And this afternoon a get handed a package with..... ... my Nano Servo!! These are, at this moment in time, the absolute smallest commercially available servo on the market and the only one that fits inside the Defender in the position I need it. There will, assuming I can work out how, be two crammed inside the chest of the Defender. One to turn it and one to raise the arms.
  23. Even my wife got it though.... liked the linkup anyways. Now they just need to put Deadpool and Capt America in the same room.
  24. lol its not clogged. Just lost the Teflon head washer last time I soaked it. Tried making a replacement out of PTFE Tape but no go. Have a bag of replacements on the way from across town. I have access to a Sonicator for cleaning them.
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