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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. no reason you cant build that sound system already
  2. You beat me down damnit.... been looking at this again and again and after getting the ground troops today and NOT wanting them to look like US Marines I'm caving in and repainting things in the Urban Splinter camo
  3. someone having friday night drinks and access to a PC?
  4. I want that Decal set for use on 1/72 Ground Vehicles!
  5. hey, buuuuuuuddy.....
  6. how the hell can they get this so right yet Paladium Games are right royally screwing up Robo"We dont speak that name around here" Tactics and their horrible figures!?!
  7. Having parts left over... does that mean another complete kit made from bits?
  8. The final piece of the UN side of the puzzle showed up today. One JGSDF MCV, A Wheeled Tank/Tank Destroyer. I like this one as it can be modelled mid turn with the body rolling as it rounds a corner. This really adds to the sense of movement.
  9. Fennek turned up yesterday so started on that last night and modded the camera system as per someone heres suggestion to its at full extension. One UN Spacy Fennek nearly ready to go.
  10. Played Battlefleet Gothic - Armada last night. Not bad fun actually. Just wish I could zoom out the camera shot alot more to view the entire map area to be able to plan moves better. Especially given the lumbering hulk the Battleships are! Quite liked the ability to execute a fleeing captain as an example to the rest of the fleet.
  11. NZEOD

    SDF 1:700

    Not so sure they are all high heat so dont write the idea off just yet. Lasers would be another idea for the effect... have them stuttering either with a spinning prism in front of them or actually switching on and off. Mount them in the arm sides to fire across the gap all the way along its length. Controlling them by Adruino would be simple enough. Include a sound board and iphone speakers for the sound of the cannon charging up and maybe even the transformation noises and crew warnings
  12. NZEOD

    SDF 1:700

    you know what would be totally off the charts.... building a Jacobs Ladder into the Grand Cannon section... Or a Tesla Coil...
  13. Its on the wall at work now
  14. NZEOD

    SDF 1:700

  15. ahhh right. There IS no such thing as a 1/72 VF-17 and VF-171 is there?
  16. Are those models in the Wall display area 1/72 or 1/60 ones? I'm making the same thing for my hallway and like how simple and clean it all looks but some of those planes arent available in 1/72 I thought.
  17. Its a PC world now... like seeing oxygen thieves doing BETs (Battle Efficiency Tests) with lightened loads and assistance - WTF!!! Nasty Nigels arent going to assist you before they fire at you!! Or alternatives to the RFL tests (Required Fitness Test) where the Overweight admin desk jockey gets to walk the 2.4km course in 30plus minutes and thats called the same as the rest having to run it in 8mins! Those same guys and girls still put their hands up to get sent to the sand box or any other mission where they may just have to move their ass into cover at speed! Thats ok, Nasty Nigel will wait while they walk to the bunker before raining 81mm on their heads. Nigels good like that. The funny thing with all the PC rules is seeing the things they ignore... Like firing 155mm proximity over the top of the biggest ammo depot here. Or sitting in the carpark at the ammo dump and transmitting between LAVs about whats for dinner... right in front of the Radio Hazard Signs! You swear at one of those sensitive wee armoured souls and they will be in the Padres office crying harassment faster than lightning but you dismount a forklift without the correct 3 points of contact lest you fatally fall 10cms to the ground and you'll be written up or volunteering to run MHE safety lessons for the next month.
  18. These are ones going up against Anti UN ground armour like T90s, BMP-T72s, Namers and Merkavas so VF-0s and VF-1s for now
  19. I'm running an i5-4690, 16Gb Ripjaws gaming Ram, 2 SSDs, Gigabyte GTX970 4GB, Gigabyte Z97X board (I think) and its a beast for the little it cost. Runs Warthunder on Maximum/Movie settings at 145fps. About to test it out on Battle Fleet Gothic: Armada... that should tax it.
  20. Question... I need some hands for my 1/72 Valks. I need to be able to make them more expressive and have dual hand weidling gun pods, face palm gestures, waving gestures, shrugs and gripping random objects like building corners and lamp posts for golf clubs. Are any of the gundam hands close? And which scale?
  21. its not shot damage, its 13tons leaning on it none to gently damage. As an aside, the 13ton 12m tall Valk facing off against a 65ton Merkava III... its hard to reconcile the weights of those two... Also smokeless powder would work better in your matchhead idea.
  22. Its a revamp of the recently failed (spectacularly too) Mechwarrior Tactics turn based game
  23. Dremel time on that canopy! The mating surfaces on the canopy has straight edges where as the body has curves. I see you use Florys as well!
  24. HO/OO 1/72,1/76, 1/87 and 20mm wargaming scale, roughly considered around 1/72 scale... yeah right!
  25. Need some advise on how to damage the outside of a Walthers Apartment Block building. Its Styrene with a Slab Concrete and Brickwork patterned exterior and Black Ali window frames. I've gone down the route of building it and painting it complete then going back and damaging the parts that need it. The type of damage will be from a VF-1 lending against it. A foot taking out the foyer doors and cracking the pavement, the shoulder and remaining Fast pack scraping the walls a few floors up and the hand gripping a brickwork corner. Anyone tried this before? Guessing the glass will need to be blown out on the foyer and maybe the windows behind the booster and shoulder and some fallen brickwork on the pavement. Wondering if the windows on the side facing the street where the booster was blown off need to be blown out and curtains fluttering. The attack will be from a 120mm HEAT round or a LAHAT Tandem charge ATGM fired from a Merkava. So there would be some blast but most of it would have been directional down the street. I've already chewed up the head laser, shoulder sensor and top portion of the FAST Pack and the FAST back will have a small fire burning in its remains. The Valk has a scorched head and shoulder. Dremel the building face? open a wall to the room behind? I have a bent street light and damaged car that the Valk stepped/stumbled over
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