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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Damn, that's pretty crisp and nice looking! And we finally get pilots that are more than vague blobs!
  2. Also, Unified forces works on small scales but in a larger organization it gets messy. Its been studied many times and is a favorite for Promotion courses to throw at candidates for debate. It works because of a unified command structure and simplified lines of communication. It fails because of differing logistic, technical and infrastructure requirements.
  3. The important thing to note in the A10 vs F35 argument is that the F35 is a concept, as in, its still not finished, still has "on paper only" components and functions that haven't been proven to work yet or have been built and failed requiring a rethink (helmets, weapons bays etc) where as the A10 is a real tangible item that can be built and deploy right now. Too often designers look too far to the future at the expense of the Here and Now. Its all good having a future weapons system but not if it means having nothing in the meantime. That costs lives. Britain has just had that lesson hammered home with the number of IED deaths on deployments while they wasted 350 million pounds studying a replacement APC/Scout capability since 1996! They had the Production version GtK Boxer and VBCI vehicles to test during Parliments Trials of Truth assessment yet chose the Piranha Concept which has since failed.As a result, the British have been using open top Landrovers and have been dying in droves while the Germans have been driving on the same roads in their Boxers and the French in their VBCIs with no casualties. Makes for great reading and shows that the Pentagon Wars Bradley Development debacle isn't just an isolated US screwup. I've added links to the UK Report and the movie of the American mess. Welcome to what we, as soldiers, put up with day in day out with some of the gear that makes to down the line to us. NZArmy Steyrs with Minimi C9s are a good example. One fires after being submerged, one doesnt. They use the same 5.56mm round but different magazines... yet both are in the same Section together. http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/from-scimitar-to-fres-to-ajax/ They have since had to ask BAE to retool and restart their old Warrior and CVR(T) Hull production lines to rebuild the worn out chassis of the Vehicles that WERE to be retired but now cant as they still dont have a replacement for them. The F35 is another such concept heavy unproven program. Thought really should be given to building new A10 IIs in the meantime. The current fleet HAS to be retired as its operational tempo has worn them out. But replacing them with more A10s makes more immediate sense than with something new, based on the operational needs of the fight RIGHT NOW.
  4. Wish you hadnt told me that.... didnt know about the low viz version. Now I MUST have one
  5. That'll be getting modded to permanently Fighter only and placed in my Hallway Museum display!
  6. lol uhuh... so its a 2 seater Capital Ship killer then... Intrigued so see this now! I'm messing round with using that excess Gundam Vulcan cannon on a Super pack and maybe chopping up some Warhammer 40K Tau Battlesuit Railguns for some EMU packs. Or is it the next logical step from the VT-1 Ostrich, the VT-11 Emu (or maybe Cassowary, Moa, Kiwi to save confusion with the E.M.U. projects?)
  7. So what scale is it to end up being? Collecting 1/72 (wheels down where possible) And the rough estimate cost of that scale as it stands today?
  8. You building a Capital Ship Killer?
  9. There is one called the Laylax Shock Equipment Crate. Its for storing your Stun Baton, Shock Stick and Tazer gear in... lol
  10. 39USD each and there are other sizes
  11. I've had it about 4 months. One version for texts and an different version for calls Works fine
  12. Something to give you a chuckle... NZ mentality... The NH90 operated by the Air Farce (yes spelt correctly) is primarily to be used as a troop transport for the Army so as you'll see in the vid, its logically painted grey to match the soldiers in the brown digi cam DPMs and the NZLAV in the solid Green.... yeah... that makes sense.
  13. Got to love this ad
  14. thought the movement rang a bell...
  15. A Belt sander works brilliantly for removing excess resin and keeping things flat
  16. Welcome to combat. As someone whos endured it, all deaths are pointless, unforeseen, and unbiased of skills, rank and status. Some days its just your time.
  17. NZEOD

    VF-1 Riders

    I really like its lines and the dual seats
  18. Do you do Wave Defender barrels? Need 4 bored out for Fibre Optics and the plastic ones heat up too much
  19. NZEOD

    VF-1 Riders

    Also... you may know... what the hell is this? Its one of theres I think.
  20. NZEOD

    VF-1 Riders

    Your 1/144 VF-X displays and the Launch arm kit at least. And any Destroid/Regult goodness just because they dont get enough airtime. And if you get the chance, can you find out whos printing their custom decals for them?
  21. A hard lesson learnt. The Aoshima 1/72 JGMCV kit is NOT 1/72... more like 1/87 or something tiny. It was meant to be my UN Spacy Wheeled MBT yet its smaller than the Boxer APC, the Fennek is the same height as it and my 1/72 ground troops are as tall as its top deck. Time to rip off the Turret and 105mm and fit it to a Boxer APC and throw the rest away I think.
  22. Its my ringtone...
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