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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Where did you find the figures?
  2. ahhhh that explains why I never saw my main gun fire at all. I had the SDF-1 along with its ARMD escorts in constant movement up close and personal with the Zent flagship all circling the Zent to stay out is ITS main gun line of fire...
  3. I wish... Hobbyfest on here in NZ this weekend and I'll be the only Macross fan I think
  4. Really liking that reloader next to the gunpod! Hook up an external power supply car to the gun pod, fit up a feed tray between the cart and the gun and its like the real way we reload belt. Have a couple of guys, one next to the feed tray watching for fouling as it entered the weapon magazine and the other next to the cart ready to cut the power on a jam and its perfect! This is 1/72 scale? Where did you find the Ammo belt? That attachment point on the gunpod is only for the model, its meant to be the trigger grip.
  5. Have a question before I commit to buy a few of these. Did ALL the clear version VF-1 kits come with the optional magazine decals or only a selection and if so, how do you tell from the box labeling?
  6. Found this digging through the net... Thought it was actually pretty well done and just the right amount of funny.
  7. except the problem with every heavy armour fiction vessel aside from the Battlestars is the prominent bridge. Is should be buried deep inside to avoid simply being "headshot". The new BSG version Battlestars, the Basestars and the Battletech Clan Warships all has their command centres buried deep. WAY more realistic and practical.
  8. New Thread time definitely need the wave, salute and turned heads as they are launched
  9. Anything Valkyrie or Destroid pilot or ground crew related... different poses, turned heads with visors up, thumbs up arms, waving arms, saluting arms etc.
  10. NZEOD


    Not my work, but found it while looking for Diorama ideas for my Wave Destroids Artist is Matt McCorkell http://mattmccorkell.blogspot.co.nz/p/3d.html
  11. I've got a VF-1D running the wings and head unit off the VT-1 and some E/A-18G jamming pods and HARM missles. Its my Alternative Valk to the Prowler/Growler role.
  12. Do it..... you know you want too....
  13. its a VT-1 body with extra bits so its the same length
  14. yeah... I'd love a 1/72 Fighter for the hall display
  15. I'm running Vallejo White Primer as my white
  16. Its gone and hes not returning the money unfortunately. I had the guys at Starship Modeller remove the links to the site.
  17. Consider them underway... Agreed... you have to be so careful even in the handling of them!
  18. you can get the decals via Chinese makers now. So different sizes will be out there too. Don't bail on the idea yet. http://www.ebay.com/itm/water-slide-decals-Macross-Lynn-Minmay-for-different-scales-model-kits-63745-/172015456431
  19. I used to use the grill setting on my mums oven with the sheet wedged between two same sized picture frames. As soon as you saw it start to sag you'd pull it from the oven and slam it down over the form then hit the vacuum cleaner button to finish dragging it into shape. http://blog.protoneer.co.nz/building-a-vacuum-forming-machine-and-making-your-own-parts/ http://www.widgetworksunlimited.com/12_x18_Hobby_Vacuum_Former_p/vf-12x18-vac_former.htm And the simplest one yet... http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-good%2c-cheap%2c-upgradeable-sheet-plastic-vacu/
  20. NZEOD

    Flying Roy

    you really wouldnt want an SV-51... so many fins and blades you'd be forever patching it up after every landing. A VF-0C or D would be interesting and likely good at RC combat too with that huge wing area.
  21. ITs the Haswgawa kit so its Paint and Decals. You paint the base white, then mix up a Tamiya Red 40 parts, Orange 10 parts and White 50 parts mix and you get the red/pink colour for the arms, top fuselage, tail fins and wingtips. I've just finished that stage and am doing the Future coat and decals next. when my grandad passed I was on a promotion course and the army threatened me with being RTUd if I took a day to attend the funeral. Then they let a Maori guy leave course for 5 days to attend his distant cousins funeral with no issues as its his cultural right.... yeah.
  22. Thanks. We are a Services family with Army, Airforce and Police as well as a Doctor in the family so death is a part of life for us.
  23. I'd be in for 20sets 1/72 VF-1 Cockpit and also Intake sets
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