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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Agree, a banked over fighter doing a flyby wave isn't weird at all
  2. http://www.dmmb.info/t7079f69-FLIGHTPATH-FP-B-quot-A-Mechanized-Ammunition-Loader-with-ammunition-Cart-quot.html Turns out there is a 1/48 scale kit of one. http://www.bnamodelworld.com/scenics-diorama-airfield-dock-flightpath-fp-48-103b
  3. Deck crew and pilots with other arms. As in a salute to the crew chief, thumbs up to the catapult firer, that sort of thing. The hands on the stick pose is pretty static and boring.
  4. Excellent!
  5. I have some crazy ideas in my head and from my time in the military... PM me some time
  6. just have crew members carrying ordnance on their shoulders like the Carrier Ordnance techs have too...lol And a random but useful bit of training material... 47 pages of the Navy's Deck Crew Dress, Duties Conduct and Hand Signals manual http://navybmr.com/study%20material/14353a/14353A_ch3.pdf
  7. I agree... its got the genes to be so much more
  8. I'll trade figures once mine get here. Only want them as Combat VF-1Ds so the civvie figures arent needed.
  9. Really like the shading on the radome, makes it look like a really thin layer over the detection arrays
  10. I may have a Black Aces Decal kit available as I'm using the F/A-18 Hornet Black Aces decals instead.
  11. all brand new. Next question... do they all have the same decals or is there a different sheet for each box? I can only find images of the 1J decals with the SJ decals and Blue Roses Decals
  12. I guess in space once you've boosted from your launch point you coast toward your target with systems set to low emissions and given the distances you'd be pretty invisible. The ELINTS would be the ones to sniff you out from inter unit comms and passive heat signatures etc. Obviously once in closer or at obvious detection range, you forget all pretenses of stealth and light everything up for the final run to the target or engagement zone. By then the ELINT should have done all it can to assist the defenders to align toward the attackers and prepare for contact. Perhaps the same is true for an attacking force, using the ELINT to detect if and when THEY have been detected to enable the attackers to hold off lighting the fires until the last moments. At theat point the ELINT unit hands off to the Attackers own active sensors and burns for safety Similar to how the Raptors behaved in BSG on recon missions. So to be an Elint team would take skills and balls I reckon and the ships should be tagged to represent this. I used to write some Battletech fiction, think I should step up and write an ELINT team short story.
  13. sorry I dont mean flex around, its flex forward and back so when the belt does one lap round the gun assembly the round is fully behind the rounds from the previous wrap around and not overlapped or touching at all to avoid binding. Linkless would be no issue.
  14. Further down the smoke have a yellow and then an orange LED... Lower CCD values perhaps
  15. JDAM time perhaps....
  16. You got in one, its neither a trainer nor a Prowler/Growler/Grizzly Airborne Electronic Attack craft. Its a Watcher. In theory is shouldnt really ever be in harms way its more like the Superslyph off Yukikaze, sitting back and above out of harms way recording and watching and perhaps coordinating. Maybe a CO rides in the back seat coordinating the squadron battles. For it to be armed would invite it to take risks which would be counter to its role. Its a smaller version of the ES Catseye Took me awhile to get my head round that fact as I was always looking at it as an Electronic Attack craft or front line recon and thinking it was bizarre to have no defensive weaponry at the minimum.
  17. is this one 1/72 or 1/48?
  18. ohhhhh this will be fun... Engines from this... Wings and Fuselage from this...
  19. Those pics in my first post are the actual boxes of the kits I'm wanting to buy for the decals. They appear to have the gold foil label on the right side middle of the box top so I would be correct to assume they MAY have the decals I'm after?
  20. When you bought yours, were they in the coloured boxes or the plain packaging?
  21. nvm I got the wrong model... the Nothung is an 11B You mean its a hybrid of this things engines... ...and this things wings...
  22. Colours and markings? So I can use a NOTHUNG as a base for it in fighter mode? I have one. Also have spare gunpods to shorten into your carbines. Assuming they mount outboard of the arms when folded in fighter mode with the Sniper rifle on the centreline.
  23. Do you have any spec details on your Sapphire Team Leader Valk? Mods apart from the Twin Carbine version gun pods and VF25 Sniper Rifle pod? Colours etc. Want to make it from a Hasegawa model.
  24. do it..... http://dioramas-and-models.com/bodenplatte.html http://dioramas-and-models.com/Hans%20Ulrich%20Rudel%20and%20his%20Stuka.html http://dioramas-and-models.com/cutlass%20ramp%20strike%20%281955%29.html those links are examples and "How To's" for you
  25. just the decals, I have a TON of VF-1s now Was going to buy them for the decals and toss the kits into the scrap box Thank you both, never thought of placing rub on decals onto wet transfer film first... brilliant idea!
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