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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. VF-30 Chronos and the one that usually misses out... VF-17 and VF-171
  2. Well, I'm way down under in New Zealand and they get here just fine. They are only 45ish USD I think
  3. yeah I was the only one bidding each time, got a few Nosjaduels, a Queadluun, a VF25 Prophecy for $25 a couple of cheap Wave Destroids, a set of resin 1/72 Regult Missile pods and some Tomix AC924 Airfield plates for the GiMIX kits for $19 NZD! So many bargains there!
  4. They are still available. I bought the 5 set of the 31A,s today from Amiami
  5. Now we just need a source of HMMs for the 1/72 Drone JasonC made first
  6. Well, the IMAI/Bandai 1/144 Nousjaduel-Ger and Queadluun-Rau (150mm Tall) kits fit in perfectly with the GiMIX VF-1 Battroids (90mm tall) and at about $5USD On Yahoo Auctions JP you cant do wrong! Have a handful of them now after assembling one to compare last night and then buying some more this morning. They are surprisingly poseable for old 80s kits! The cheapest one I have bought off there, new in the box, so far was $2.22USD!!
  7. Even better! I have a Tomytec/Tomix/Kato city under construction with a bunch of GiMIX VFs duking it out with some Bandai 1/100 Glaugs, Regults, Scout pods and Missile pods
  8. So about 140mm? the VF-1A is 90mm to the head so that could work out perfect!
  9. Nyankodevice, can you get a ruler parked next to your 1/144 Queadluun? Want to know how it compares to the 1/100 Bandai Pods and Glaug and to the Tomytec GiMIX Vf-1s Thanks
  10. Sanding time... As an aside, the its worse for the VF-1 as the heads in fighter mode are actually smaller! I modded a J head with battle damage in Battroid mode then wanting to convert it back to undamaged and found my fighter J side cannons were WAY smaller than the Head side cannons on the Battroid, the same was try for the D and S models! I have one of every 1/72 so I may have spare heads for the VF-0A and 0S I have a VF-0A/S with Ghosts version, I could swap the VF-0A Fighter head for your VF-0A Battroid head
  11. You just dont want to be transmitting high currents yet as we all dont know that the side effects of doing that would be yet. I do a lesson for the Tankies to stop them parking outside ammo dumps and transmitting on their radios... telling them not to never gets through their thick skulls so I just throw them a Fluoro Light tube to hold outside their wagons and when they transmit, its lights up in their hands. Go Luke Skywalker! Its a lot more effective lesson that just beating them with a length of Det Cord. Once it dawns on them the energy in a radio wave they slowly work out how an Electric Detonator may just initiate from them transmitting... and the Ammo dumps hold thousands. 3W of transmisson energy at the aerial of your cell phone alone!
  12. there has been induction charging of batteries for some time now, I have a few large ball lights that get rolled under trees and things in the back yard that are fully sealed and they recharge by sitting on top of an induction plate. No direct connection.
  13. Havent read this article yet, will do today on a break but it COULD be useful for wirelessly powering LEDs in a model http://www.instructables.com/id/Simplest-Wireless-Electricity-Transmission-Experim/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
  14. Next lunch time VF done
  15. I vinyl cut it myself. Smallest I could go and still be able to weed the outlaying material off was 2mm hex! The smallest on this Destroid is 2.5mm. The Roland cutter needs a new blade to do it all though. Its just left over 5yr calendered vinyl from some odd jobs. Next time I will try doing it in Cast vinyl to see if the lines are sharper, but as its thinner as well it maybe a bitch to pull up afterwards. This cheaper vinyl is thinker so while it doesnt conform to the shapes as well, even with heat, it IS easier to peel off after painting. Each tiny pain in the ass little hex is individually positioned and stuck onto the model... by hand... for hours! I still have a Phalanx to do in Desert Brown Hex and 2 Defenders to do in Urban Cam Hex after this one. All while the wife laughs. I guess thats why my graphic work goes under the tag AsylumArt
  16. More progress on... just the ONE leg... this is going to take FOREVER. Now the next thing to tackle... weathering the decals to match!.hmmmmmm
  17. Me and the little man on our way up to Stage 2 for Macross The little man being inducted at an early age into the Cult Of Macross Us covering the exits while Kawamori-san spoke... always on duty Even the Chief Financial Officer enjoyed herself The Little man was rather fascinated by the cabinets of figures.
  18. that ones useful for doing an Arrestor wire landing area as well
  19. The build vid is actually incredible with some of the gimmicks he's used. So, I'll see how I can go about saving it and moving a copy of it to a file dump you can access. He made the padeyes using a Heat Pen and a copper tip with the shape carved into it .And at 1/144 scale the detail is mindblowing!
  20. Funny it works in NZ... we have such loose Copyright laws here. Cant even be nailed for torrents without 3 warnings.
  21. have the Single JBD deck on order so I'll let you know what its like
  22. All I got from him was that hes working on ideas for Post Delta.
  23. pretty much none other than what was discussed during signings. His translator was hopeless so it took longer to get to the current material and by then the next panel was ready to enter the room and they cut him short! HAHAHA you can hear my 2yr old in the background every now and then! At 3.55 he was trying to talk to him we think
  24. cotton ball filaments. After you have them teased out you VERY lightly spray them with a fixative to hold them in shape.
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