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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Is it wrong that when I'm working on my City Park Diorama and looking all the park photo reference materials like St Petersberg and Vancouver and Kyoto that I get an evil grin picturing the destruction I'm modelling of a Destroid forging a path through a picturesque city park tearing up pathways, knocking down trees and flattening flower beds, kids playground equipment and park benches? Just reminds me of my childhood tearing across a golf course on a YZ125! The greens had the perfect jumps!
  2. Still not done yet... once the decalng and decal wear and tear is completed on the grey and green units I need to finish their dioramas. Desert one in a forward operating base tech area in Iraq. Grey one in an urban area, possibly in ruins with a stray dog peeing on its foot. Green one in a park having trashed it moving into position with a civvie woman yelling at an officer at its feet.
  3. Look for this package... yeah... its packed full of bubble wrap with a tiny canopy inside.
  4. Destroid 3 Amigos WIP
  5. R/C is his thing. We designs and builds models and teaches mech engineering. The can probably be exported with some tweaks into other sims and maybe even Warthunder etc in the Dev server now we are up to modern era jets and missiles in that game. I've gone and picked up a copy of Phoenix R/C just to try them out.
  6. WOOHOOO!!! Found a reasonably priced 1/72 VF-31E Chuck version! The collection is complete and added to the pile of shame
  7. So far this guy has designed and flown the VF-1, VF-4, VF-11, VF19, XF-20A, VF-25, VF-31A and VF-31S with a VF-22 Sturmvogel in the works right now. Turn the sound WAAAAAYYYY UPPP!!
  8. Appears to flies real well too watching his videos so I've approached him to ask if I can make a 3D Resin printed 1/72 version of it.
  9. I have a bunch of PE intricate 1/72 tiedowns and another Italeri carrier deck I'm working on at the moment...
  10. Love this guys take on the missing link from VF19 to VF31 https://www.supermotoxl.com/projects-articles/ready-to-drive-fly-models/macross-plus-xf-20a-switchblade-phoenix-r-c-simulator.html
  11. Those are split flaps. I'm going to assume from the rear you'd see them split in two with red painted between and the other half down. They are using them as speed brakes/dive brakes. I'd have to check the master file on if this was ever the intent. Cool diorama too but... not enough tiedowns on that plane. Should be two to 4 more on the nose gear or main gear. Only bugs me because I'm doing a similar diorama with a vf4
  12. Im paying for it so cheap is best... I just need one LOCATED.
  13. flaps would only come down to full when the gear does, so maybe half flaps during a descent before gear down? 3
  14. Full flaps extension if landing gear is lowered and you are heading for a carrier trap. This would be on the downwind leg of the landing circuit (ie… travelling in the opposite direction to the carrier). Based on the settings for an F/A-18. http://krepelka.com/fsweb/learningcenter/aircraft/flightnotesboeingfa18hornet.htm Notice in the photos below the ailerons are also acting as flaps and are down (flaperons) and the leading edges are extended and down to maximise low speed lift.
  15. now find me a Hasegawa VF-31E Chuck version... come on... do the impossible
  16. https://www.rocketpunch.biz/wip-hasegawa-vf1s-5/ Not mine but I'm doing this after seeing it! Cheng, your canopy is on the way.
  17. Just bought one.
  18. thanks, I usually brush it but the pen looks to give an ok finish too!
  19. What do you use the 1mm for? Curious on the application now.
  20. I discovered brushing it on the splinter cam on my Tau firewarriors and drones as they were too small to mask and airbrush 50 of them. Goes on very smooth and usually 2 layers is enough so its become my GO TO for small brush jobs on Macross stuff as well. For chrome its still the Molotow pen decanted into a jar.
  21. Molotow for chrome and citadel airbrush acrylics for brushing other colours.
  22. try signwriting frosted film, used on bathroom windows Probably pick up a sample free from a 3M or Avery Dennison https://graphics.averydennison.eu/en/home/graphics-products/screen-and-cut-materials/window-graphics/dusted-and-crystal-glass-window-films.html https://www.3mnz.co.nz/3M/en_NZ/company-nz/all-3m-products/~/All-3M-Products/Architecture-Construction/Glass-Finishes/Design-Construction/?N=5002385+8709317+8710647+8710784+8711017+3294800572&rt=r3 Just remember you need a strip of ali behind those LEDs as a heat sink... they generate a bit of heat. Consider dropping the powersupply voltage down from 12V to 11V - 10V to reduce heat and extend their usable life. Otherwise your styrene model will deform from the excess heat. The main reason these strips havent superceded a single LED with Fibre Optic strands is due to the heat issue. Tried it myself and failed.
  23. I've built 16 so far and find them pretty simple and quick. Only parts needing mods are the leg connections being recut to align them level with the body and the infill between the wings that you make with a piece of pill packet blister material. Its my favorite, second being the Wave VF-4 and Wave Destroids.
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