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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Then messed with the $5 Banpresto Tomohawk to see if I could bring it to life for the diorama... so I went from this (the grey rubber one)... ... to this... still needs a clear coat and decals.
  2. Not much progress so far these holidiays Assembled a few more GiMix's and built a cabinet for them until the diorama is built Had to include the Sgt chewing out the lazy assed Jack Private... Still a work in progress on the figure painting.
  3. haven't heard anything as yet, expecting Messers VF-31 next and maybe a Battroid and Gerwalk VF-31A. VF-1 timeline I have NOOOO idea! I'm still collecting my army of Brownies!
  4. modify it. Same as we do with the sloped VF-1 Legs in Fighter mode.
  5. think I'll work on the Airfield...
  6. Anyone else think the one in the air looks kind of like a VF-11 from this angle?
  7. that or a bus bar. Bus bars are tidier looking.
  8. Well... have fun all over the next week while the sites down. Should be fun seeing what we can build in that week.
  9. Leaving these little ones as they are apart from the decals as they are all going on a very busy 1/144 carrier deck.
  10. That would be VF-31A Kairos Beta 05 conducting preflights on the left an VF-31A Kairos Beta 06 about to roll out on the right. I got carried away and bought the entire squadron of 6 VF-31As and the 31S, 31C and 31J so far.
  11. Back in the box it goes then. Not so interested in the cash, just dont want to remove a rare classic from the world if people would rather preserve it. The Gashapon Destroids will work just fine in my display in its place. If anyone wants to trade them or what ever, pm me I guess. Meantime back to the grind on this diorama
  12. hmmmm I dont collect, I just build, paint, display, throw away and on to the next project. Thats what made me and the wife pause when we saw the tidy box and thought it may be more than just an addition to the City fight scene...
  13. ...do it http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fokker-D-VII-105-Herr-Balsa-Wood-Model-Airplane-Kit-Rubber-Powered-/222222496546
  14. Yep, thats the one he flies in the circus, the D.VII, just minus the guns
  15. hmmm.... what to do, what to do I got them for $40 The Spartan is getting 2 spare GiMix GU11 Gun Pods to fight with. They are meant to go in the city fight diorama. Finally have a 1/144 Monstor Mk2 to fit in as well The WAVE 1/72 Destroids set the bar pretty high for Destroid Awesomeness except for the Tomahawks 6 Shot SRM pack being occluded but the Chest mounted LRM missile packs Main Door when its fully opened! Oh and the Phalanx top pair of Missiles will also slam into the Pod door hinge unless I convince myself the pod rotates like a revolver as it fires off the missiles...
  16. Hahaha the grey one is a gashapon thing and now I've seen I can fudge the scale and detail them up abit I have another 5 coming for $5NZD each! The other one is a diecast thing thats actually in mint condition and had never been opened until that photo. Dont know much about it but I just found a matching Spartan also still unopened so I'm hunting for the whole set now then I'll paint them up a bit better. They even have decals! Found them in Japan. If anyone knows a bit more about them, please share. I'm not even sure whether they are collectible or if its ok for me to modify them and paint them up.
  17. Arduino is a giant step up in skill set learning but also possibilities in functions. Especially cascading actions such as with my boys Hangar Bay Alarm clock, once triggered the display runs through a pre programmed sequence or flashing lights and sounds, bay doors opening, the arm extending holding the Valk, the valks engines coming online and up to full power before an abort signal and the all reverses back away. The old school way to do that would have needed mechanical limit switches, n555 timer chips, lots of mad circuits and wiring. Now one or two boards and some programming can to it all.
  18. Class!
  19. If one burns out, the circuit is broken and none go. If you are running LEDs with a range of 2 - 2.3 and you run them at 2.1 - 2.2 you should be fine to avoid burnout. Yes you can chain different LEDs together, see the guide below. http://www.resistorguide.com/resistor-for-led/
  20. hahah which one, all three are wired. Their state of build reflects their wiring complexity... the Phalanx has just the 3 spotlights lit up so its quite built. The Tomahawk has the spot light, beam cannon targetters and the Beam cannons themselves lit up with the option for a torso twist servo but space is an issue and the Defender..... the major kitset thats spread all over the place, thats set up for chest spotlights, spinning radar, torso twist servo, arm raising lowering servo, twin spinning gatling guns... wiring nightmare as I have to be able to still paint it in parts and get it all together with the wiring in place and hidden. It gets real fun when those wires have to cross the hip joint and up into the main body... All the destroids use a socket in the base of the foot to connect to the power supply and arduino that goes under the Diorama. Are you aware you can sand and file down an LED up to just above the Cathode/Anode cup that emits the light? So you can shape that tail fin even more if you wish. Brilliant example in the Macross Modelling Master File thing where its done to a 1/72 VF-22
  21. My chaotic workspace at the moment... Its become a Destroid production line! Meanwhile on the 1/144 city fight side of town...
  22. Ahh the trick is to run up the max V of LEDS in series that power supply can run, then start a second series to the same supply to the max again and so on and so on. So you could end up with 4 or mores strings of 5 Red 2.2V(2.2V x 5 = 12V... no resistor needed) LEDS on the same 12V supply
  23. The mistake in that article you were using is they showed the LEDs as different colours but thats misleading as different colours require different Voltage across them. In the Q&A section below it someone has pointed out how this circuit will burn out some of the LEDs and the blues ones wont light at all.
  24. that would still work in series. To do it properly in parallel you'd need a resistor for each LED
  25. the calc you are using is for LEDs in series... I'll check the math on power consumption and get back to you on this one but I THINK its treated as a single LED for the resistor. OK found this for you... and me it seems as I may have gotten it wrong too. http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/174584/is-it-ok-to-put-leds-in-parallel Basically... don't do it in parallel. Some more detailed reading for you. http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/55823/how-can-i-efficiently-drive-an-led/166534#166534 Is this for the Yamato?
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