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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. I got all mine for about 44US each and shipped them on the 6 day Registered Airmail option at about 900yen so pretty damn cheap to NZ
  2. They sold out about a month ago, I was sourcing all mine through Buyee/Yahoo.jp Now the only ones around are the Scalpers ones at $100US and up.
  3. Maybe something real world and dirty as hell
  4. HOLY CRAP!!! Those prices are Half price! You get the Fighter and the Battroid for the price of just the fighter!
  5. Arads one is out already. VF-31S Fighter mode MCR18
  6. yeah.... we don't discuss that in my house... but atleast they are cheaper than DX figures. $35 - $40 each
  7. 5 VF-1A Battroids 4 VF-1A Fighters (1 wheels down, 3 in flight with lit engines) 1 VF-1a Gerwalk 1 VF-1J Battroid 2 VF-1J Fighters (1 wheels down, one in flight with lit engines) 1 VF-1J Gerwalk 1 VF-1S Battroid 2 VF-1S Fighter (1 wheels down, 1 wheels up lit engine) 2 VF-1S Gerwalk 6 VF-31A Fighters (all wheels down, 1 lit engine - but its a dud unit as they made it with one white and one blue LED!) 1 VF-31S Fighter (wheels down engine lit) 1 VF-31J Fighter (wheels down engine lit) Century Wings 1/144 deck crew sets 1,2,3 and 4 2 1/144 Flight Deck tractors 1 VF-31C Fighter (wheels down engine lit) 1 AC920 Airfield Tower set 5 AC921 Tarmac sets 1 AC922 Fuel truck set 2 Dragon 1/144 carrier deck sets Using the Airfield sets to build an Airbase display to show the Wheels down fighters on Using the carrier deck sets to display the rest of the Fighters on The Battroids, Gerwalks and Fighters in flight are part of the City fight diorama The VF-1S in flight is displayed on a mini base showing it low and swept back racing over the desert with sand billowing behind it. The VF-1S Gerwalk is displayed on a mini base showing it racing over the waves on a sea with water blasting out behind it. The VF-1A fighters are all shown with full ordnance loads. yeah... I have issues
  8. hmmm yes, it was odd they included the 31A Gerwalk parts in the fighter kit but never released the Boxset
  9. Freyas is almost sold out and the Kairos is LONG sold out so... I dont think thats the issue. The VF-1s are starting to get thin on the ground too
  10. still no news
  11. when its decaled...
  12. just did what I thought looked right, Primer coat, Tamiya Black X1 1:1 thinners, Alclad, Clear, Tamiya Panel line accent, Tamiya Tint mix x4 coats, Alclad for the chrome wing tips, final panel line with Florys, Clear. Engines were Primer, Alclad Steel on everything, Alclad Jet Exhaust on the inside of the nozzles, Alclad pale burnt metal on the outsides Intakes were a mix of Alclad Ali and Magnesium with chrome on the inside of the covers
  13. Alclad II Polished Ali base with a 1:1 mix of Tamiya transparent blue/Transparent Smoke. About 4 layers. The darker colour is a single layer of Alclad II Smoke over the base candy blue. 20ml of tint was used in total! Turns out I needed 22ml as you'll notice no intake shrouds are fitted... I need more paint mixed to finish those two pieces.
  14. ready for decals
  15. now THAT teal colour is going to be a challenge to mix up as a candy!
  16. His techniques wont work for us as we still need to be able to decal the surface which wont go so well with waxing...
  17. Attempt 1... SV-51.... fail and slight rage disassembly of the item in question... Attempt 2...SV262... looks passable and am up to the decaling stage now.
  18. Proud of what you've done!
  19. and the 262 is so much easier to mold...
  20. I used mine as tiny test pieces for doing the Main body blue colour as a candy. Wondered if they were for the Lil Drakens
  21. yeah there is only a core few regulars appearing and the news Feed page is gone too.
  22. Don't joke about that... We were repainting the hallway and my hall display cases ($55 each) were stacked up outside... my wife in a hormonal Pregnancy rage moment put the boot in and kicked the stack flying. Did I mention they still had the 1/72 Macross models inside... some of them heavy brittle resin ones like the VF-4 and the ES-11B...
  23. Very Mech Warrior Online... like it alot! A pilot leaning on the leg would look awesome
  24. How have you sealing the rotating shafts against the shaft holder tubes? Lots of grease or oil down the side feed tube?
  25. There will actually be a sound track to the display. When a button is pushed it will play the radio comms of the Valk strike team preping for the ambush, another will play the initial gun fire as the Team leader bolts across the gap to bait the trap, a third will play all hell breaking loose and the final will be the popping and crackling of cooling metal and fires with the mission report raytel. Wishing I had lit the "eye lens" on the pods now I realise how dark the urban canyon could be...
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