First clear coat before tomorrow nights decalling then another gloss clear on thursday night - then The Great Wall Movie, Flory wash and matt clear on Friday.
...ok and maybe the canopy, some vent detailing, the intakes, the lights and sensors...
looks to be a super fine liquid cutting compound
Link states is components are Surfactants, Abrasives and Petroleum based solvents.
Its the last two do the work we are seeing in the vid.
Liking that Solarious look, gritty, believable and functional. Having the Tiny Info decals and warnings helps convey the true scale of how large your creation should be. Seriously thing you should add the guy or gal leaning on the foot though.
Having fun (not) mixing tints and spraying spoons trying to get the candy mix right for the up coming SV-262Ba
I want to do that colour but candied over an Alclad II Polished Ali airframe.
Getting close as 3:1:1 Tamiya Transparent Blue/Transparent Green/Transparent Smoke but will try it with Yellow/Blue next