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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Painted this horrible little Robotech Tactics Tomahawk figure up last night. 1. Base coated in Alclad II Black then Magnesium. 2. First colour layer, Citadel Tallarn Sand. Molotow Chrome on the visor, search light, leg drive lights and sensors. 3. First wash, Citadel Agrax Earthshade, 2nd wash Tamiya Black Panel Liner. Citadel Dryad Bark on the missile doors. 4. First dry brush of Tallarn Sand. 2nd of Citadel Karak Stone. Dry brush of Citadel Mournfang Brown on the missile doors. 5. Tamiya Clear Green over the visor. 6. Tamiya Clear Red over the sensors. 7. Decals applied. Better than it was thats for sure!
  2. Printing this as we speak
  3. The 4 elite suits done.
  4. And another
  5. WIP Nousjardeul-Ger 1/285 scale... almost done
  6. Started this a couple of hours ago. Almost done, just the eye lens to go.
  7. Bit more progress while watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
  8. Work has begun on the Queadluun
  9. Do the Macross F-14
  10. Love it. Steep learning curve but my 6yr old now has an endless supply of Battlemechs to battle with (and break) and I have a full custom Sith fleet for X-Wing and Custom tau and harlequins for 40K.
  11. Is there going to much worthwhile content for a modeller though, give the other two VF1 books out already?
  12. The first prints for the carrier deck have started rolling of the photon...
  13. MASSASSI is the designer and I just bought the files off his CGTrader site.
  14. Wish I hadnt seen this... i'm going to be broke! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/miniatures/sci-fi/set1-macross-sdf-1-prometheus-hanger-elevator-1-72-scale
  15. but the aussies dont NEED to import Future... its sold locally as Long Life Floor Shine at Bunnings
  16. any chance of the blue roses and enigma decals being rerun? Or at least the Kill markings?
  17. Ive had RTT for ever sitting in a box. After reading this I've now gone and ordered all the minitech kits! MT01 through to MT22 so far! I blame you GabrielV! If you intend playing the game, try Dropship Commander stuff for the Cityscapes.
  18. Just rewatched your opening video but with the Topgun Opening music playing.... much better... try it
  19. I see the air freight sticker on it and they charged me $20 to send that so not happy about it arriving by sea...
  20. and yet all my stunt bike stuff from Bagaros and KTM in Austria and has all been arriving in two weeks after each order still!
  21. is the canopy not there yet?
  22. Golf course nearly done, angry golfers and the berated unit LT next along with a golf cart and some decals and a Matt coat on the Defender to finish.
  23. Earthworks on the golf course done, time to sow the greens, plant some trees and finish wrecking the place
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