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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. VF-1EA Howlers fitted out with a pair of ALQ-99 high freq jammer podsa single ALQ-99 low freq pod in place of the gunpod, 2 harpoon a 6 air to air missiles. Some minor decaling, pilot painting, deck crew painting and panel line wash to go and this ones ready for the wall mounting
  2. Tinfoil your cockpit sides to avoid light bleed through. I sabd mine, then dip them in alclad aqua clear then slap on the decal frames then paint the inner side of the frames in cockpit grey but leave the canopy loose until EVERYTHING else is done
  3. They just released the missile boat for x-wing the minatures game. I love it!
  4. Slap it on one of those magnetic rotating levitation display bases
  5. A ittle more work on the VF-1EA. Awaiting the arrival of the donor Growler kit for tge ALQ-99 & 215 jammer pods so i can add them and give it all a panelline and wash.
  6. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    wait wait wait.... I see chucks plane.... there is hope yet!!
  7. I have those, they are an MS Upgrade part for Gundams
  8. wow thanks. And that's in 1/72?
  9. shapeways I guess. That would be great!
  10. nope totally static Any pods you can make that I can use in my 1/72 displays would be cool! I could have a line up of them on the tarmac with crews working on loading different ones on the 4 vf31a models I still have to make.
  11. I have a Seal Clubber Sqdn Kairos this would be perfect on
  12. Definitely need them in deployed mode 1/72
  13. Cannons? The dual beam cannon pod?
  14. Carrier flight testing...
  15. VFA-135 Black Ravens CO, XO and senior flight crew NCOs visit the production line to take a look at the first of the sqdns new VF-1EA Howlers that they will be transitioning to from the E/A-18 Growlers
  16. The weekend vf-1 production line
  17. Nope. Just fit a current limiting circuit in with it. Time to start experimenting
  18. you can build your own. its using a disconnected transformer, one size is in the base and pumping out a couple of Watts of power (excessive!) and the other side of the transformer coil in in the LED base. Google Instructibles and seach there site for the tutorial on building your own wireless charger for cellphones
  19. well given an Astartes is meant to be 3m tall... it works
  20. That big cartridge is for a commercial small scale HP publishing printer. Its the same ones we have at work
  21. if those cartridges are for commercial printers like the one my work uses for its expo brochures then it will pick up the page and register the second pass fairly accurately.
  22. very good
  23. Painted 5 VF-1 fighters today, all gloss white base coated then various interference coats over that. One in Micropearl to be the 001 Rollout model One in Gold Interference to be the 35th Anniversary One in Blue Interference to be the 5000th fighter One in Blue Interference to be the Blue Training VF-1 from Delta One in Red Interference to be the Red Training VF-1 from Delta The pigments are made by mixing a powder with a medium, in my case I used Alclad II Gloss Clear then I sprayed with over the white base. Next step is the detailing and panel lining then the Decals
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