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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Yeah same as above as I have 10 VF-1s to do, 3 VF-1Ds and 5 VT-1s Planning on painting them in batches of 5 at a time as they will all have a base coat for Light Ghost grey and Ghost Grey before getting individual Unit and CAG markings
  2. hmmmm excellent! Finally a chance to add to my growing collection of real world sqdn markings on the VF4!
  3. Those writers/artists names... is it just me or do they kinda sound like bad porn actors names...
  4. they aren't tooooooo bad they just take a few nights to do
  5. On the work bench today between getting the Tuono ready for the Aprilia Hampton Downs Trackday... a new Carrier deck, a VF-1D, VF-1J and a VT-1 And over twenty present day Squadron markings to start wrapping my VF-1s in
  6. Such a pain in the ass model to build...but I still love them!
  7. Making 3 more
  8. So suggestions... what do you think a display like this would be worth? Thinking of doing another 3, one a scorpions vf1ea, another a Rattlers vf1j or s interceptor armef fighter and one a vf1j bomber armed plane of the swordsmen. It woukd use up on italeri deck, one fujima flight deck crew or a shapeways ewuivalent, one fujima ordnance kit, one hazegawa call and a pilot or 2
  9. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    weird... especially with the Bandai one just released. Getting this one
  10. and the E2046 version is SOOOOO bad mines still sitting in a corner while I try to decide of I'd be better off getting a Bandai VF-25 and just using the resin bits needed.
  11. I'll have to dig them up but I recently got sent some 1/144 resin ghosts
  12. cool idea but... in order to work for a canopy you'd have to mount those hinges on the outside surface, otherwise due to the thickness of the canopy acrylic, if attached to the inside, when opened it would bind up.
  13. nope, what are they?
  14. I can send you a canopy off any 1/72 Hasegawa macros kit to build a template on if I can get them back
  15. actually the blue bottle, Micro Set, is useful for removing them as well. Directions for decal removal are on the back.
  16. include the 1D canopy and I'm interested
  17. no I meant the wired strips. only 2 wires
  18. For the Formation lights you could us EL Strip Arbit. That would get the right phosphorescent look.
  19. Tail Anti collision lights are both red on the F/A-18 models The under wings and the front wing to body step/root has the green Starboard/Right lights and Red on the Port/Left
  20. now we just need the monster cannons and maybe a 1/72 Radome
  21. they need to go on a gloss finish. You could try dipping them in Future before sliding them into position
  22. A quick figure building session late last night
  23. 1/72 fighter version? Go on... you know you love a challenge
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