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VF-9 Cirno

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Dunno if anyone spotted this or not (sheesh you guys update FAST and CONSTANTLY in this thread), but Amiami has the Messer Ihlefeld VF-31 DX Chokogin back as being available. I'd get it, but I'll wait until Mirage's version becomes openly available. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027032&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_seriestitle_id%3D238%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  2. Might I, humbly, suggest that you post your work over at scifi-meshes.com? Both because there are industry pros who use that site for 'hobby' works/wips (Fractalsponge/Ansel Hsiao, who's done official Star Wars 3D work has a long running thread there), and that just about all of them are more than willing to swap/share hints & tricks they've picked up over the years. Many times its just freely given. That and there's a small/dedicated macross group there that is practically dying for 3D work of this quality. You might need to beat them off with a stick (or an empty gunpod).
  3. Ragna, Windermere, Randor, 1st episode's planet/system, 4th episode's planet/system that was invaded. Only four episodes in, and we've already had five planets/systems mentioned, with four of them actually visited. This really is going to be a 'Galactic Tour'.
  4. I don't see a difference from the last time I checked. What's the change to the mechanics sections?
  5. *Headscratch* Its not that I don't believe you, its just that I swear I heard that info from somewhere in here (MacrossWorld) previously. I never officially joined for the longest time, but I have been a silent watcher for a few years now. If -any- group has the correct info, considering you guys either pull from the Compendium, Sketchley's or macross mecha manual, or actually contribute to those three sites, its you guys. I just wish I remembered exactly where & when. *Headscratch*
  6. I know its Milia's original. AFAIK it was fully upgraded to the VF-1X standard after the war as a 'courtesy' to her.
  7. I was pulling the VF-1X info from Mac7 as MIlia's unit was, to my knowledge, not a VF-1X+ version. Just a VF-1X, no 'plus' symbol attached. I didn't even know there was a Master File for a VF-1X+. Although I did ignore Gamlin's ranting as the guy is pretty much 105% spoiled due to flying VF-17s and the other top tier (of that time period) VFs. I'll have to go back and check out the VF-0/VF-1X++ again in the two data books, as you might be right on that. As for the simulator > 2-crew trainer > 1-crew trainer > combat rated craft, yeah, I know how that works. Just that it was extremely condensed in Frontier, where Alto gets put in a sim-pod, got rekt (heh), and then immediately jumped into a VF-25. I'd have expected if there'd been any training that we'd have seen in in the backseat of a tandem cockpit VF-25 prior to him getting his own craft. Yeah he can -fly- is a given. But whether or not he could handle going from whatever civilian/less-than-paramilitary designs the school trained them on, and then handle all that's required on a cutting-edge military craft in a single go? Stretching my sense of disbelief a little. After all, Macross isn't normally Gundam where anyone jumps straight into a cockpit. Even Hikaru was shown having a training montage, although to be fair, it was more showing him going through infantry training, and he was a pilot nearly up there with Roy Fokker right from the very beginning. (As an aside on that last sentence: considering that VFs are meant to occasionally act as giant scale infantry, its probably not a bad idea at all to push that part of training harder than most pilot trainees likely would see. Yes I'm fully aware that boot camp is boot camp and any/all MOS still have the exact same initial training. I more mean that -after- the initial training, it might be good for VF pilots to have that stressed to them just a bit more than any other MOS that isn't infantry.) Which again, is why I'm glad to see Kawamori -stretch- out the training for Hayate a bit, so we get to see him screw up royally at first due to his ego, only to get better, and THEN inevitably get his own ride and start showing off his natural talents. But not before going through an actual training montage. Knowing how anime likes to pull ideas from previous episodes and use a 'mastered' version near the end of a series, I fully expect that something Hayate badly messes up on while in the VF-1, is going to show up later on while he's in the VF-31. If nothing else, it'd provide a glimpse into the differences as to what the true airframe limits a VF-1 can do, compared to what a VF-31 can do.
  8. Depends. If its a bog-standard VF-1, then yes, its about as dirt-cheap of a VF as you can get with the possible exception of the VF-9 (which is even smaller). The VF-1X on the other hand hovers somewhere between the VF-4 and VF-11 in performance. A VF-1X+ is somewhere above a VF-11's performance envelop, but below the VF-17/VF-19. And then there's the 'VF-1 In Name Only', known as the VF-1X++, from Macross: The Ride, that externally looks like a VF-1, but internally, is basically a VF-25. And its performance levels are literally lethal to anyone that isn't a top level pilot. I've heard one description for the Double Plus as a VF-1 that went Super-Saiyan. For a short, sweet, summarization, its about as accurate a descriptor as you can get. So the VF-1 Hayate is flying could be any number of block upgrades, beyond the A/D/S/etc variants. Its just that as a trainer craft, there's added limiters on it that are slowly removed as a pilot trainee's skill increases. Then they move to the next trainer which has increased performance - with limiters on - over the maximum the previous trainer could do, even with its limiters off. Which may/may not be a VF-1. That'd let them keep pushing the trainee's skill just a tad bit more, and so on, until he/she is good enough for the current generation of VFs. Its one thing I think was sorely missed in Frontier, as it only showed Alto in a simulator, and which I'm glad Kawamori added, just so we can really look back and see someone go from over-confident newbie who's about to learn the hard way, all the way up to the level hinted at in the OP where he's on par with a Jenius and capable of pulling off that family's famous back-to-back stunt.
  9. Yeah, I kinda smashed two topics together. Ack. Anyways, I originally thought the mini 'shields' might be a ammo containers for the arm cannons, but the 1/72 model shows that the hidden underside of that 'shield' actually is merely a storage area for the VF's tactical PPB knife. As to the specifics of it detaching? I've yet to see anything that might show its possible. MIght be another 'animation error' just like how during Frontier, the first time we see the VF-27s inside a Fold, they were animated without Fold Boosters. Although at this point, considering how every side's tech has been increasing, I'm amazed we've yet to see a VF that has an internalized Fold drive. Even if its just a short-ranged one.
  10. Well, on the DX models, probably not, although there are buyers who'd try it anyways. Heck, I know for one that I'd try doing it at least once with my VF-30. On the other hand, there is the 1/72 models, and anything else coming up the pipeline in the next few months, that requires painting. I highly suspect that things might be a bit crazy in an awesome way as the custom-build folks go nuts with any/all possible combinations.
  11. Don't know if the CAD drawings for the 1/72 scale model are accurate, but it shows the gun-pod both attached to the mission pod and detached as well. It looks like the upper part of the gun-pod slides forward, much like how the VF-25's gunpod had a part that dropped down. I'm going by the images over at Amiami, and it really does look like there's almost no room in the gun-pod for any kind of ammo storage, nor any room in the backpack for reloads for the arm cannons. Which I think just spin 180, but don't actually detach.
  12. I'll take C & A for $200 each Alex. BTW, is there any images of the DX prototypes that are close enough to tell if the YF-30's missile pod is interchangeable with the gun-pod/recharger pod on the VF-31? Because that'd be a rather neat trick to allow mix'n'matching.
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