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Everything posted by nomalbill

  1. Thanks for advise.I saw many pics of F-14D. And it is very interesting that a very new shining Black Color on the fade gray.That is one thing I always want to show in my work. http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/images/f14bnewschemedp_6.jpg
  2. I have so many 1/72 VF-1 kits but I only finished a VF-0B. Yeah I should finished more.
  3. thank you everyone~
  4. Hi everyone , This fastest ship in Galaxy is our new work. Hope you will like it. working process http://www.billmodels.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=126
  5. 12/06 1. 2. 3. use dead 1/144 gundam pc parts. every one have some. 4. 5. 6. 7. well it looks better than i thought.
  6. pic#3 use Mr.color thinner first. sometimes there are protect paint cover chrome Pic#5 sodium hypochlorite english is so hard
  7. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  8. TRUE. there are always too many kits too be finished. the diorama is easy to build but will take so many decals on it. maybe i will finish the diorama in the future.
  9. good to see people like it here are some process pics http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...TopicID=1657072
  10. well 1. there is a company call Crazy Modeler . 2. i just think Nismo decal will suit the sword .
  11. my new work dont know if F.F.S kit can post here or not? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  12. finish http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...TopicID=1030734
  13. http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...TopicID=1010085 Thanks I will try to finish this in 1 month
  14. http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...&TopicID=997603
  15. http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...&TopicID=995186
  16. http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...&TopicID=994833
  17. thanks for watch (my English is to bad to write what i think) anyway here is the update http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...&TopicID=993267
  18. http://www.sonicmodel.com/topicdisplay.asp...&TopicID=990853
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