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Everything posted by Gundam@EFSF

  1. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Sharing from toysdaily stonekeung 01 我用自己隻HI-METAL 1S影左比較圖 舊版膊頭關節係膠 面部有不同 多對細翼
  2. focker strike vak in april. tamashii shop exclusive
  3. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    ARMORED VALKYRIE【 GerWALK mode!】[HI-METAL R] VF-1J http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/ ... modehi-metal-r.html [/color][/align]
  4. found some updated pics.... http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12085022976.html
  5. 【Barattack Fix Figuration】Evolution Toy Get the feel of this brand in design & engineering of toy.... I am not going to pre-order VF2SS..... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/10/barattack-fix-figurationevolution-toy.html You grabbed 11 too?
  6. [bandai PG]【Banshee Norn NTD mode!】 light up! Clikc to see all pics in my blog! I also submitted my work to MG modeler gallery jp too http://www.modelers-g.jp/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=28708
  7. 1/60 PG Banshee (Unicorn Mode)! Great product! & I like black. Quick snaps to share; stay tune Will make a comparison with 1/60 Macross stuff~ http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/10/160-pg-banshee-unicorn-mode.html
  8. forge the VF2 series until Bandai or Arcadia touch it.....
  9. sad.... very low quality stuff.... http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/evolution-toy-2015%E5%B9%B412%E6%9C%88%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-%E3%80%8A%E8%B6%85%E6%99%82%E7%A9%BA%E8%A6%81%E5%A1%9Emacross-ii-lovers-again-%E3%80%8B-%E5%8F%AF%E8%AE%8A-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-silvie-gena/
  10. VF-17D 夢魘 Nightmare 《Macross7》Yamato 1/60 Try to pose like linear art, but quite difficult indeed.... Battroid mode first, stay tuned http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/10/vf-17d-nightmare-macross7yamato-160.html
  11. indeed, is there any license issue to make the FB 2012 ver? thx
  12. will the price exceed vd 0a?
  13. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    what is the relationship of hi metail r n vf 100?
  14. You hv 2 0A!?
  15. btw, yf 21 is similar mold and same engineering?
  16. Macross 7【VF-22S Sturmvogel II Miria Custom】1/60 Yamato 1 more in my collection. Start watching Macross 7 for around 7 episodes, just so so at this moment... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/10/macross-7vf-22s-sturmvogel-ii-miria.html
  17. VF-4! from facebook MFM 540,960https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/12122854_884544864954486_98398206763724417_n.jpg?oh=ecac75043e96b6fcfe4b55b226d9263c&oe=56A86789[/img]
  18. Just grabbed today! Two 22S at USD 260 17S + Pack at USD 110 Good prices?
  19. 劇場版 魔法少女小圓【 SQ Banpresto - White Onepiece ver】Kaname & Madoka If the 2 endings blend in one it will be a perfect ending! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/10/sq-banpresto-white-onepiece-verkaname.html [/float][/color][/align]
  20. Have played both stuff, can i say all bandai dx is reverse engineering of y/a?
  21. https://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1140552879?u=hkcowcow74
  22. Thanks for advice! I wont take it then
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