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Everything posted by Gundam@EFSF

  1. [align=left]超时空世纪 Orguss【Megahouse VA Hi spec!】 You guys love Orguss too? http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/11/orgussmegahouse-va-hi-spec.html [align=left]Grabbed in JP for 2 Metal build price... yet, quite high quality indeed... & seems the light blue ver will be released![/align][align=left]the small booklet, should be over 30 years? size vs her sisters... coming.... [/align]
  2. Hi friends, If the below has the captioned probs? thanks. http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/m150476161
  3. [align=left]Quick Snaps: Metal Build【突擊自由高達】Strike Freedom![/align] [align=left]It IS metal build, TOP quality Gundam series! Give us more, Bandai! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/11/quick-snaps-metal-buildstrike-freedom.html [/align]
  4. [align=left]高達迷基本配備【Destiny x Destiny!】Metal Build[/align] [align=left]http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/11/destiny-x-destinymetal-build.html [align=left][float=left][/float][/align] [align=center][float=left][/float][/align][align=center][float=left][/float][/align] [/align]
  5. USD 270 in HK too.... expensive
  6. Gundam@EFSF

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Buy this and wait for VS-0 in Dec
  7. then how abt Macross vs Gundm in US?
  8. gundam or transformer is more popular in us?
  9. This 21 is bought at mandarake nagano... Expensive, 27k yen....
  10. YF-21... Wait for Bandai's YF-19... will it be in 2016?
  11. & indeed, the most costly on is not gundam, not Macross, it is....
  12. Oct 2015 Tokyo trip- pic 2 Macross Related
  13. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    vf2ss is hi metal, and there is a fightwr mode vf 4 /yf 19 n 19kai is in dx, vf2ss is in hi metal r, real pics from me https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=954041628020536&id=332535126837859
  14. yf 19 n 19kai is in dx, vf2ss is in hi metal r, real pics from me https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=954041628020536&id=332535126837859
  15. that's exactly the one ive seen in shop, don't compete with me....
  16. how abt an opened but unplayed yf 21 at 27k yen? thx
  17. thx, considering, there is a used one at 32,400 yen....
  18. help! i am in akiba n saw a new VE 1 30 anni ver at 40K yen, is it a gd price? thx
  19. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Ordered the limited focker stand at usd 90!
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