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Everything posted by Gundam@EFSF

  1. Matt top coat is definitely good, but i. Made scratches after transforming
  2. Matt top coat is definitely good, but i. Made scratches after transforming
  3. 2 layers in psd, 1 pic is light only
  4. 1/ 3000完全變形【超時空要塞 MACROSS】Premium finish Smaller than expected, yet I like it, space friendly~ http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2018/04/1-3000-macrosspremium-finish.html
  5. Why all my pics are distorted using mobile????
  6. +10 pics!!! 機甲創世紀【Lonely Soldier Boy~】Stick's Mospeada Do you remember,That old lullaby? 除咗嗰一塊前腳甲 成日甩 膊頭變形difficult之外 性價比ok 一隻好精緻的80s design 用現代技術還原!
  7. 機甲創世紀【Lonely Soldier Boy~】Stick's Mospeada Do you remember,That old lullaby? 機甲創世紀 感動! 同好聚 Xjohn 搵出 條褲係唔啱色 即刻搵啲相睇 又真係喎.... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2018/04/lonely-soldier-boysticks-mospeada.html
  8. Hi-Metal R 【戰鬥機械 WM Xabungle】薩奔格爾 USD 52 only in HK.... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2018/04/hi-metal-r-wm-xabungle.html 18M? so it is exactly 1:100? 唔L識變!!!
  9. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Are my pics distorted in mobile version???
  10. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi Metal R【VE-1 Elintseeker】DYRL long time no post~ http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2018/01/hi-metal-rve-1-elintseekerdyrl.html
  11. 量子爆發! 【Metal Build 00Q】& the making of.... 只要你有新年送禮佳品, 你就可以模擬到ELS母星內... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/ ... -00q-making-of.html
  12. http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2017/12/2017all-that-hi-metal-r-macross-series.html
  13. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Let's play photo hunt.... what are the differences? http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2017/12/2017all-that-hi-metal-r-macross-series.html
  14. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

  15. DX超合金【VF-31 SIEGFRIED】 Mirage Farina JeniusI only like this purple color, my 1st 31...Battroid mode first bcoz I want to check if the shoulder was defecthttp://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2017/09/dxvf-31-siegfried-mirage-farina-jenius.html
  16. http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2017/07/dxvf-25s-armored-parts-ozma-custom.html
  17. finally made the 25s in B mode.... https://scontent.fhkg3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/p960x960/19620920_10154891098282875_3481149087416049855_o.jpg?oh=e734cd0b36801cf9a5bcd6bb99179957&oe=59C425AE
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