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Everything posted by Gundam@EFSF

  1. Just saw it at USD 215 in a store, worth it? Or I better wait for the Bandai Hi Metal R?
  2. 魂Shop 限定DX超合金VB-6 Konig Monster http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/shop-dxvb-6-konig-monster.html [/float][/align]
  3. GERWalk mode!【YF 27a Lucifer DX超合金】超時空要塞F http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/gerwalk-modeyf-27a-lucifer-dxf.html
  4. HGBF TRY BURNING GUNDAM FULL COLOR COATING Ver. http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/hgbf-try-burning-gundam-full-color.html [float=left] [/float]
  5. 香港限量MG UNICORN GUNDAM Ver.Ka [code_852]- 80%~ Enjoy! Nice good color! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/mg-unicorn-gundam-verka-code852-80.html
  6. loop, i saw it at 30000 yen at amiami, considering....
  7. Ths! You ate motivating
  8. Great pics! speechless!
  9. In HK, I saw one around USD 222, worth it? thanks.
  10. How are the look n engineering comparing to do vf 19 advance? Thx
  11. Turn a Valkyrie into Gundam! ;p A success! The standing pose applies! XDDDD Valkyrie Fix Figuration http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/turn-valkyrie-into-gundam-p-success.html [/float][/align]
  12. YF-29: 30 Anniversary Version "VF-1S Scheme" Applying the sense of Gundam style to VF.... it applies on YF-29, but definitely not on VF-1... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/yf-29-30-anniversary-version-vf-1s.html Kyoshi Takigawa style pose Katoki style pose
  13. Worth to grab one?
  14. My Macross collection after 26 days... I think its almost done... just planning to have the recent VB-6 monster and it will be completed~
  15. Battroid mode!【VF-1J 30th Anniversary】超時空要塞! It's not easy to take this pic! The concept to take this VF1J signature pose is totally different from shooting a Gundam. & BTW, this outlook and overall proportion of this Arcadia Toy is fall from good (but it is the best available 1J toy in the market, isn't it?) FXXK the Harmony Gold that handicaps the development of Macross toy. I hope that one day Bandai can apply the tech of DX to VF-1 series.... Anyway, enjoy! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/07/battroid-modevf-1j-30th-anniversary.html
  16. thanks all! your appreciation is my motivation! 1 more pic in B mode!
  17. Should be 0S, with Armor More pics! GerWalk mode!【VF-0D 工藤 真】超時空要塞 Zero Enjoy! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/07/gerwalk-modevf-0d-zero.html
  18. Arcadia【VF-0D 工藤 真】超時空要塞 Zero My first Arcadia stuff, the producer is well regarded in Macross community, IMO, how is it compare to Bandai DX series? Wait & see.... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/07/arcadiavf-0d-zero.html
  19. hi yeti, what is the total cost for fighter mode, thx. and also the total cost for 1 gffmc unicorn and also 1 for gffmc gundam the origin ver, thx
  20. My CF sp of Gundam http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/01/megahouse-cfsp-g-03londo-bell-earth.html
  21. Just grabbed my 0D, where can I buy a stand and water decals? the stupid Arcadia just provides sticker!!!
  22. Just grabbed my 0D, where can I buy a stand and water decals? the stupid Arcadia just provides sticker!!!
  23. First time bought Acardia stuff... cannot feel it surpasses Bandai... will examine in detail in the wk end....
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