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Everything posted by Gundam@EFSF

  1. just found it at a shop at usd 220, good?
  2. well, becoz the firm haven't made any refinement after comments.... shes not.dare to update until the.toy release....
  3. just sold my 0d at 230 n going to order 0s at 265....
  4. yf 19 adv is the most perfect vak imo
  5. 奥德修斯高達 RX-104【& Fixed Flight Unit!】Robot魂 Ka signaturehttp://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/rx-104-fixed-flight-unitrobot-ka.html Stay tune to Penelope!
  6. http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/rx-104-fixed-flight-unitrobot-ka_25.html
  7. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    So what is the scale of Bandai Monster? thx
  8. I grabbed it from Copenhagen Logo store in early Sept during my trip to Nordic
  9. Wall-E (Lego again fter 40 years)! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/wall-e-lego-again-fter-40-years.html Luckily, the neck has no prob on mine. Green.... VS Dice....
  10. thanks bros. So 0D is indeed a gem?
  11. around USD 130~
  12. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Agree,VF-1 series should hv some refinement....
  13. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    [HI-METAL R] VF-1J【Battroid and GerWALK mode】 ARMORED VALKYRIE Not bad in such a small scale, keep it up, Bandai! I want those Destroids too! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/hi-metal-r-vf-1jbattroid-and-gerwalk.html [/float]
  14. Robot魂 Ka signature 【Gundam Odysseus RX-104 】自己血汗女工 貧窮 ver The painting quality is smooth, yet, still need to fill the panel lines and apply decals.... consumed 2 days.... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/robot-ka-signature-gundam-odysseus-rx.html
  15. thanks for advice... I think I should skip
  16. https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12002825_765238090253063_5996084997422669599_n.jpg?oh=ee43215af80f4ea9ace541577a7228a2&oe=5693EB7F in this pic, which one woorth to grab?
  17. recently there are lot of vf171 CF in HK stores, some off them offer open to check. If I checked there is no problem on the NUNS triangle, does it means there is no QC issue and I can grab with peace of mind? thanks.
  18. I just sold my VF0D at USD 230, would skip the 0A and order for OS... is it a good idea?
  19. oh.... Can I say the 30 anniversary 1 J is already the best engineered one? If I want to buy one with the 30th quality, what are my available choices?
  20. I just grabbed this stff at around USD 50 Is this version old??? worth it? thanks.
  21. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    from my naked eyes, I can it's white with a shade of grayish.... the first pic is quite an actual elaboration of the white... http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/09/pics-hi-metal-r-vf-1j-armored-valkyrie.html
  22. Gundam@EFSF

    Hi-Metal R

    Quick snaps: [HI-METAL R] VF-1J ARMORED VALKYRIE 一条輝機 Not bad, the overall proportion and outlook are better than those 1/60 stuff. & of coz, space friendly. I hope Bandai can keep this line~ http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/ ... mored-valkyrie.html
  23. I hv no faith to this producer.... Quit
  24. Quick build! MG 1/100 ∀GUNDAM【MOONLIGHT BUTTERFLY Ver.】 Thanks for Boris for the quick JP stock! Quickly built and shot! Enjoy! http://gundamatefsf.blogspot.hk/2015/08/quick-build-mg-1100-gundammoonlight.html [/float][/align]
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