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Everything posted by GDomino

  1. BTW, here's the link to HLJ's page for the toys... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist.cgi?Series=Amdriver&Dis=2
  2. Saw this over at TBDX and thought you guys would also be blown away like I was. I prordered the DX toys at HLJ. Check out this mospeada-like cyc:
  3. Typical. Now I remember why I stayed away from the Toys forum... I think I'll go back to the "Others" forum. BTW, Thanks for the review Graham... I'll pick this up once I get some money saved up.
  4. nevuhmind... I guess it is a hoax. just checked out the front page of that URL its got some (ahem) interesting read... Mods, please delete this thread...
  5. I'll wait for the actual release and how much the MSRP will be before I bash Toynami and the toy. The thighs look too skinny and the colors are bugging me... maybe it needs some chrome.
  6. I'm curious about this... and weirder still was planned to be released back in 2000? go to this URL: http://www.brutesquad.com/Movies/Thunderca...dex_noframe.htm Maybe be a well conceived hoax with a well done PS work but I highly doubt it.... ... and maybe it sucked balls so maybe it was canned. Anyone in the know about this?
  7. If you can only have one, go with the eva 01 or wait for the chrome 04. Here's a link to CollectionDX's review of the toy. JoshB also has a review of the Kaiyodo 02 if you want to compare the two versions... Personally, its the diecast content that got me sold on the SOC Evas.
  8. Check out this guys transforming costumes and he claims that they can transform with the guy still in it!!! or go to his site. BTW, he also has a customized trailer for the MPC and a customized Roller.
  9. There's already an existing thread on the Halo armor... LOL, I clicked on this thread thinking it was gonna be on Military Helicopters, "Helos"!
  10. English translation of MPConvoys instruction manual. (or try copying and pasting the URL into a new window since I suck at linking things) http://bwtf.com/masterpiece/convoy/booklet/
  11. Noticed that the screw doesn't have a groove on mine (for a screw driver to grip to unscrew). I'm wondering how people have removed the front faceplate to see the mouth/speaker, not that I would do that to mine anywayz...
  12. I never would’ve imagined that just getting this thing mailed to me would be so frustrating! First I had no EMS tracking for 9 days and then I had to go through 3 days of knowing he was only a few miles away from me. My MPOP was supposed to arrive on Saturday but I was out when the mailman came, I live in a gated community and so the mailman can't come to my doorstep. So I thought I could just use that orange ticket that they leave you to go pick him up on Monday. Two more days of torture followed. I went to pick him up at the post-office on Monday but the clerk told me to go back to try to catch the mailman because he was attempting redelivery. I had a gut feeling that he was attempting the redelivery while I was at the post-office, and sure enough I just missed him and so another orange ticket. I go back to the post-office on Tuesday and I half expected that the clerk would tell me to do the same thing. YUP, had to go play tag again and of course I just missed him, AGAIN!! So I called to tell them to hold it for me because I wasn’t sure if they would deliver today and I went back to the post-office and now I finally have my long awaited X-mas present (from myself, to myself heh heh). All I can say is, THIS F^CKER IS PERFECT!!! And just like that, the ordeal I went through is nothing compared to the joy I am feeling of finally having a long awaited toy. What a great way to bring in the New Year… Things are looking up for next year.
  13. Yups, look closely and you will see the mouths. My Eva 01's mouth actually stays shut when I want it to. Also, a friend of mine that had tha jaw-dropping syndrome was able to fix it with a tiny bit of clear-coat nail polish...amazing what that stuff does!
  14. Actually read the book during a typhoon when I first got stuck in Okinawa for a tour... my mom gave me the book to read to get acquainted with the culture.... It was really interesting since at the time I could relate with Blackthorne's dilemma; being stuck in an unknown land and not knowing a lick of the language. I saw the mini a few months ago when they had a marathon on some cable channel. And as in most cases, I rather enjoyed the book way more than the film version... could be because the girls looked way hotter in my imagination.
  15. Congrats!!!! was it a boy or a girl?
  16. The best toys I {ever got for X-mas}: a Sony cybershot digicam (finally!) from my parents, and some transformers stuff--a reish powermaster OP, a G1 reish smokescreen, and a Armada scavenger---WTF?!! I bought a Unicron (as an early X-mas present for myself) a few weeks ago when I went out shopping with my friends and now they think I'm a big time TF collector...apparently they think all my Valks and chogos are transformers...I ain't complaining though cos these toys will have to hold me over until the one transfomer I really want arrives--MPOP! The rest were as expected, socks, tighty whities, and shirts. I feel like I'm eleven again, the last time I got both toys and underwear at the same time for X-mas!!! edit: {in the bracket}
  17. LOL! Yeah I know, no PRC-O#s...... but we certainly had our share of pr!(k lieutenants though!
  18. heh heh, 3 years in the making. Its funny that Hasbro reps claim they were involved in the design process from day-one... yeah by telling this guy to make the best TFs ever and then taking credit for the whole thing.
  19. God, people... support the medium. Buy originals wherever possible. It's one thing when the product is out of print, out of circulation. It's another thing completely when the non-bootleg is still available... There are HK SOC editions that aren't boots. They are legit and sometimes come with an added bonus, for the Eva's case, they come with the 'crystal'--glass base. edit: meaning HK only exclusives, can be nabbed through e-bay or e-tailers that can get a hold of them.
  20. ASVAB-smashvab! Let me tell you guys something about the ASVAB, recruiters are always ecstatic if you pass the ASVAB...they could care less about how high you scored, its all about making their quota for that month. I kicked ass on the ASVAB---I scored a 98 but in the end, it doesn't really matter cos there's always a dumbass who scored way less than you did who is telling you how they want everything done (a PRK-E5 and so on or a PRK-O1[inside joke for comm guys]). My MOS, Microwave Comm, but in the end I was still just a battery operated target for the grunts and don't even get me started on the humps (HIKING)... Sophistimicated radios my ass, how hard is it to carry a freaking walkie-talkie over those 40 lb radios that have a range of only 10 miles!?! And then I remember when I was ending my enlistment, I took one of those career tests that suggested I should go into engineering and the counselor was telling me she has never seen scores like that and I was like "YEAH right, heard that before!" Kidding aside! The military was a great experience for me...made a lot of life long buddies, saw other parts of the world, and I did a lot of growing up. Seeing my nasty civ friends when I got out proved how much I had grown up over them...but now all that is out the window
  21. I want one but that commercialized tradition of giving presents for X-mas prevents me from getting my grubby hands on one!
  22. I used EMS to get mine shipped from HLJ and it seems to be lost within the system; got on a flight leaving Japan on Dec 19, but still no tracking as to where it is in the US. I know it may have something to do with the holiday rush or the raised terror alert but the agonizing anxiety of not knowing where it is, IS F-ing TORTURE!!!
  23. I was gonna pass on these evas but now I think I'll get the 04 just because it has that chrome look (only if it stays that way though).
  24. Hey! you forgot two other branches: the proudest mofos of them all- the few, the proud, the Marines, and them Coast Guard guys... Yups I think most of us (from both branches) would be too proud to click on THE NAVY! You might wanna fix that before them hard core jar-heads come Of course this thread maybe considered OT and one of the mods will come to lock it soon too...
  25. I saw it a few days ago and I'm still getting over the longest ending I've ever seen... I was like WTF? This takes the cake for the ultimate never-ending story! I read the books back in High School and now I remembered why I skipped the last few chapters. Overall, the movie was a great ending to the trilogy. It had everything, even a pink 'Toxic Avenger' as an Orc Commander
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