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Everything posted by MacrossMania

  1. MacrossMania

    Hi-Metal R

    They should have a whole retro line
  2. MacrossMania

    Hi-Metal R

    I mean this one lol
  3. MacrossMania

    Hi-Metal R

    Better pic
  4. MacrossMania

    Hi-Metal R

    https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159541140110509&set=gm.1681742792239013&idorvanity=240282426385064 Here's to hoping the toy is as good as the box looks.
  5. yea it was the perfect confluence of different cultural influences/phenomena - the skating scene coming to its peak, graffiti art finally being understood as real, high-borne art (i.e. Basquiat), and the magazine scene exploding with all of those great action shots that helped propel the skating scene. I think all of it started to die in the nineties - over the top, carnivalesque colors, and lack of inspiration. Much like the 90's redux of 80's properties like Tformers and GI Joe. Did you ever see Dogtown and Z Boys? Best skateboard documentary I've ever seen. Really captures that time period. Highly recommend it. I think if you showed it to your son he would have a really good idea of where you're coming from.
  6. very cool. I can't remember the deck I used. Some of the ones I loved from the 80's below I don't care what anybody says. 80's had the best designs ever. Doesn't matter if it was toys or skateboards.
  7. saying that I skated is being dramatically generous. I wouldn't go that far. I bought a few boards and put them together old school 80's style, but left the real skating to my friends in West Hollywood (I'm an LA kid). So yea, being from the West Coast I was definitely exposed to the culture (and loved it), but I would hardly call it skating.
  8. how is the quality on this one? Any noticeable differences in plastic thickness or diecast content? I've been looking forward to the Orguss release but the pics so far have been disappointing. Bandai's legendary design is there, but the figure seems to be completely lacking in diecast. A real head scratcher for the HMR line.
  9. I was surprised how cool it is. Picked it up at a local grocery store.
  10. You and me both. Definitely need to get that other one, and passed up plenty of chances to do it. Prices have me regretting that decision, but I feel like that's the same old song from every collector out there. But here's something you might appreciate. Don't know if it's worth much, but satisfies my immediate urges "toy crack" style.
  11. Cool. Some recent acquisitions of mine. Obviously not remakes, originals but getting very pricey these days. I found these at reasonable prices, at least relative to the crazy auction house prices. Don't often see Joes on here, but they're getting hot. Makes me regret not getting them earlier, but you can't have everything.
  12. That's an amazing find. Looks brand spankin' new. Where did you pick it up?
  13. Hopefully it's nothing serious. A blip on the radar.
  14. Love Reaction figures. I have most of the Dark Crystal line, but admire many others. Just can't make it the focus of my collection, but if I could, I'd be like that kid in Toy with Richard Pryor. Filthy rich and stuffing every corner of his daddy's mansion with toys galore, including every one of the Reaction figures.
  15. All the more disappointing. If they had been so tireless in perfecting the fit and tolerances, then why not the finish? Again, I suspect it has something to do with the supply chain problems post pandemic, as well as Bandai's apparent shift to digital entertainment (where presumably the focus on toy production will wane over time, but let's just hope that's a Grimm's fairytale that never comes true). It is sad that with something so well built, they could not have put in the little extra bit of effort to make a beautiful finish. Alas, it is not to be. But here's to hoping that a DX VF-0D comes out with that careful (obsessive) attention to detail that they're so famous for.
  16. Not sure. HMR line has always been a rehearsal for DX Chogokins in my mind, so it's odd that they didn't plan a more comprehensive figure. Especially if they're using it as a dry run for something better. But hey, all of this is speculation. What does concern me is the SDF-1 (wooden looking), and some of the other mecha prototypes in the HMR line. The diecast doesn't seem to be coming through on those either. Not all related to the VF-0D. But I'm repeating myself...
  17. I took a look at this in the packaging and was immediately struck by how cheap-looking it was. Something you'd expect from a Hasbro knockoff, or even Hasbro, but definitely not Bandai. Then again, as Lolicon pointed out, there's been a tendency to spotlight the mecha in the HMR series, and neglect the valkyries. I strongly agree, but this latest entry has me seriously wondering about the health of the company going forward after the pandemic. You really have to wonder with supply chain shortages worldwide whether companies haven't been forced to cut corners in terms of the materials they are using. I took a look at some recent press releases announcing a change in their five-year midterm plan that was initially announced in April 2018, but was recently changed this year, including a change in mission statement (always concerning). See https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/cgi-bin/releases/index.cgi/en/press/6089?entry_id=5507. See also https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/5_E4B8ADE69C9FE8A888E794BB_E.pdf. Nothing immediately jumps out at me, although I did notice a much stronger focus on digital entertainment, and less of a focus on hardcopy toys. The mission change was also primarily driven by COVID-19. Again, makes you wonder if this isn't part of an overall strategy pivot away from toys into the digital domain, where perhaps the quality of toymaking will be sacrificed as less resources are devoted to it. This is pure speculation, however. Only time will tell. And the analysis above suggests that their plans on steadily rolling back materials in HMR releases has been going on for some time. It would be interesting if this same analysis could be done with all the future releases that Bandai Naamco suddenly flooded the market with this past week. It's too early to tell from product shots alone, but the materials don't seem up to snuff on those either. The SDF-1 is especially concerning to me. Again, it's a prototype, but the plastic seems cheap, off, like it was carved out of wood or something, and the panel lining is almost non-existent. The detailing also seems to be missing. I don't recall this ever happening with the DX Chogokins. Those prototypes really popped, and perfectly summed up the line. Again, we'll see.
  18. Listen, I'm perfectly happy for you and your acquisition and I've always greatly admired the early iterations of Yamata - even the 1/60 scales, which I view as the modern precursor to the 1/48, themselves the precursor of the modern valkryie as we it today - but god, the yellowing on this guy is just terrible. Makes me cringe just looking at it. Are they all that way? Is this just something that we have to live with now? I thought modern collectors were immune to this sort of thing. Instead I imagine us holed up with the rest of the vintage community biting our nails against the frosty, wintry cold of unforgiving time as it slowly devours our most cherished treasures.
  19. I'll be honest, I've actually bought more this year than previous years, but I'm also a vintage collector and a lot of those have come up recently at great prices, which is not surprising given the state of the economy.
  20. Curious to see what all of you think of the pandemic and its impact on toy collecting. Definitely not soliciting your political opinions on the pandemic generally, so please keep that to yourself. What I am interested in is how you think the impact on manufacturing and supply lines will/has impact[ed] toy collecting in general. At first I was thinking that the general renaissance in toy-making we've enjoyed over the last decade or two would slow to a trickle, and the toys of yore would become gems in our collection as they would no longer be producing them anymore, at least anywhere near the rate we were seeing before the pandemic started. I think you definitely see this with the much higher end toys like Metal Structure (RX-93 discontinued, prices now through the roof), and you also begin to question whether some of the lower end toy lines like Hi-Metal R would be affected. A series of planned releases never materialized (I'm thinking of the Destroids that were never completed). Even the YF-21 was never released this year. But then Bandai is notorious for teasers that never materialize (1/35 YF-1 anyone?), so I'm guessing that some of these never came to fruition this year is just "part of the game." The thing is though that there were so many at once that just disappeared (the YF-21 is a particularly glaring omission considering its presence in the DX 1/60 line), but then again the 1/48 still seems to be going strong with the VF-1S, the flagship of the franchise, and the soon-to-be-released 1/48 VF-1D early next year. All in all, I was initially impressed with the idea that toy manufacturing would suddenly come to a standstill and we would be left with our collections, as it were Mad-Max style, drifting in the desert wind and clinging to our hopes. In such a posture, it is easy to imagine the value of these once prevalent items skyrocketing (like the Metal Structure), but after some thought, I'm not so sure. We may just end up seeing a temporary hiccup, with production once again resuming unabated. The other thought that occurred to me is that the toy renaissance is like any other - it builds on a steady stream of accumulated knowledge that, much like the 1/60 line of valkyries by Bandai, improves year over year. If production is halted for a time, or even stopped altogether and resumed years later, it seems that that institutional knowledge could be lost to the deserts of time. Although I think that's a bit more fanciful. Something like that would take decades to lose (although perhaps a trick or two could be lost on the factory room floor).
  21. Well I hope this didn't kill the thread (it's gone distinctly silent since this was posted). It was an interesting discussion and I thought I'd add my two cents because it's usually a dissenting voice, so I thought I'd flavor the conversation a little. Wasn't expecting this response though. Unsolicited recrimination is always a bit of a shock to the system, especially in a group like this with so much gregarious, fraternal feeling among its members. Big words, I know, but you can handle them.
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