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Everything posted by MacrossMania

  1. I love the backlighting effect of the first image up top. Most shelf displays suffer from the classic overhead lighting effect. Too much glare, monochromatic setting, vanilla display. By choosing backlighting from below, you've enhanced the drama noticeably. Very cool. A big fan. Never seen that before. But I noticed you've done that with the others as well. Unless there's some magic of photography I'm missing, you have a clear grasp of light contrasts. For this reason, it's the best shelf display in tight spaces I've ever seen. (Anybody can do large spaces, that's child's play.). Bravo.
  2. It's a very obscure line that was created in the 80's. You have to be a collector's collector to even know where they're from. Somewhere in the dark recesses of the hobby these lines exist. Prehistoric, primal. Definitely worth checking out. The reality is that the line actually fetishizes the SS a bit. Very dark in that way. And it belongs in the dungeon with other like-minded lines (mainly thinking porny anime here). I was told by some guys selling this that older Japanese men are really into the line, and that makes perfect sense. There may be a bit of misty-eyed romance for an old and neglected past (they were allies after all). Be that as it may, the line is held in high regard by collectors, and when they are produced, only the best materials are used. These models are no exception.
  3. LOL. Ever since they split the thread I've been a little lost trying to "thread" my way through this online maze. But, done.
  4. I've been on a tear with these lately. Nitto Machinen Krieger. I actually put one of these models together when I was young and I've had a fascination with the Krieger line ever since. Some kind of WWII fetish I think. Anyway, very cool line that combines military, WWII and even a little steam punk aesthetic. I'm already on my way to collecting as many of these as I can. Never thought of myself as a model collector, but here you have it.
  5. I've been on a tear with these lately. Nitto Machinen Krieger. I actually put one of these models together when I was young and I've had a fascination with the Krieger line ever since. Some kind of WWII fetish I think. Anyway, very cool line that combines military, WWII and even a little steam punk aesthetic. I'm already on my way to collecting as many of these as I can. Never thought of myself as a model collector, but here you have it.
  6. Agree with the VF-31A. But that's the only one for me, and it's because the livery is deliberately evocative of military-style jets. So the matte finish makes sense. In fact I think it's the only finish that makes sense when you're going for F-15-style camo. But the others need to be glossy for me. They're toys after all. They need to be dressed to impress.
  7. I'm probably an outlier on this one, but not a fan of the matte finish. Just feels cheap to me. The glossy finish reminds me of the old 1/55's. More of a toy look, but somehow more appropriate to the line. Not just mimicry for mimicry's sake, but diplomacy for the line. Like his livery is fit for a king, or a general, or an ambassador. Showing off. I like it.
  8. These models play a critical role in filling out the Macross universe that existed in the 80's. Of course the toys anchor the whole franchise, but the models were really the imaginative element that made the cartoon "real" for me as a kid. Dark, foreboding, filled with danger and risk. The box art somehow brought to life the darker elements of the franchise far more than the toys did. Although they were fun, the toys were more just play things in line with the cartoons. The models were reality smacking you in the face. In that sense, I think they are critical representations of Macross during that time period. Definitely worth collecting for that reason.
  9. I just went nuts on buying those macross models that went up for sale recently, featured on the front page of MacrossWorld. Now I've got to think about storage. Luckily for me it wasn't too much of a strain on my wallet as they were cheap.
  10. Nice! Always a fan of the endoskeleton. For some reason it's difficult to pull off for inexpensive toys. They always look fiddly and wonky somehow. Like Humpty Dumpty. But this one looks nice. Assuming of course that they didn't cost you a fortune. I always missed out on the Sideshow/Hot Toys 1/6 Endoskeleton (It still holds up as the ultimate version in my mind). Kept delaying and delaying until the prices are stratospheric now. Always kicked myself for that. But then I saw someone post a used one for sale recently. It had clearly been exposed to the elements. The pitting was so bad on the chrome that it looked like it had been picked out of the trash. Thanked myself for not getting it. I wonder whether that kind of pitting happens if you keep it sealed in the box.
  11. Am I the only one who can't make heads or tails of this new thread? It's split because you have two different threads molded into one, with links to each thread, but it's not because you have to go to the same thread to find the split. Sorry don't get it. And I don't get the need to split the thread in the first place. By my estimation, this was probably the most popular thread on this forum by far. Anything but "old," and certainly nothing that needed to be "retired." Sure, a few things were repeated here and there, but only the most prudish scolds who scrutinize these posts for strict adherence to the rules would have pointed that out. The vast majority of us were just enjoying the flow - in that case it resembled desultory conversation. But I digress. And one final thing, as I rant and piss off the admins, to say that this vibrant "town square" of conversation is old and needs to be retired is to redefine the terms. The same disease that is afflicting our society today. Sorry to see it applied here in such rudimentary, banal, and yes, may it be said (even if it is banal), evil fashion. By definition, evil lurks in the most banal of places. To refuse to object to it is to sit idly by while it flourishes. The admins may justifiably be offended by this post. If they are, so be it. But I would be far more impressed if, instead of deleting this post and burying the "history" thereby created, they instead chose to do what I suggest is the most sensible solution: split this single thread (which had been evidently repudiated) into two that can be sensibly read when you come onto this forum. Otherwise it's just improvident flexing, posturing of the worst kind. Let's go back to the fun times. Make it easy to read and post. Amen.
  12. I can't take credit for that level of collecting I suggested in the first post. I think I actually stopped at the kite and realized that all of the successive granular levels of collecting, all the way down to the Mark Robo and Select Convertors versions of the Orguss Orgroid, was just getting out of hand, and my instinct to grab the kite was the last straw. My natural survival instinct as a collector-cum-drug addict kicked in and I just stopped. It's been my one saving grace as a human being preventing me from falling into the pits of financial despair, whilst preventing a great collection from materializing. Alas, we have to live. Like the intro. Nothing beats 80's anime. I look at even some of the 80's cartoons like Thundercats, GI Joe and Tformers, and they're peerless. Nothing beats that Thundercats intro. Maybe Silverhawks does.
  13. an underrated toy. I have virtually all of the Takatoku versions (1/100, 1/60, 1/40) and am quickly becoming one of those quirky Orguss collectors who collects every curiosity ever made of the line. I think I even have a kite somewhere, or wanted to get one. You know, table cloths, napkins and the like. Well, maybe haven't gone that far. But a big Orguss fan nonetheless.
  14. I thought this was the DX. I was about to get pissed...
  15. Are you shipping something else we should know about? Maybe a Breaking Bad kind of thing.... ?
  16. I've heard. Still, it's always a shock to the system to get something like this.
  17. Anybody who doesn't like Super7 has no heart.
  18. Very cool. Although it does seem that Hasbro is really late to the "copy-the-third-party-companies-that-copied-you" game.
  19. This is discoloration. Not the original color. The originals are snow white. This is more like some of the older Jetfires. Those are prone to severe yellowing over time and you can see how the yellowing starts. The originals were eggshell white or "bone white" to begin with. I speak from experience because I got a Bandai 1/55 VF-1S years ago from a Japanese seller. It was graded by AFA and perfectly preserved in the acrylic case and little baggie it came with. Which is, by the way, one of the reasons that you grade. It doesn't completely eliminate the risk of yellowing, but does reduce it.
  20. Playmobil is coming out with some really cool sh*t these days. I really like the USS Enterprise.
  21. I can vouch for this. I had a MoSho, one of the early ones, and it was amazing. And big. Dwarfed any of my Metal Builds I have and the quality is comparable. The price at the time was around $100. Sadly, I gave it up because I'm a box collector and the box was all messed up. Should have just kept it. The dude I sold it to was raving about it.
  22. Saawweeeeeetttt!!!! I was driving a Tesla Model 3 this weekend. Nice ride.
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