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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Looking forward to it.
  2. I cant wait for jenius review of the vf 31j. It helps generating hype while mine sits on PW.
  3. Its my idea or the week off felt way longer?
  4. Ill gladly take one of them out of your hands.
  5. ahhgg beat me to it, i was about to get it . Good catch!
  6. This arrived today. Funny enough, i forgot they were coming and i was expecting other stuff when i opened the box XD
  7. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    My max finally arrived while the board was down. Im happy with it, now my display feels more complete!
  8. Payment request received and paid!
  9. When the boards are up some member will have the VF -31j already 😲
  10. Me too, and i want money to afford them all. At least spanner is giving me a freebie VF-31J
  11. Same although not that hyped to watch it with all the negative comments i keep hearing
  12. If it goes on sale ill consider getting a second one.
  13. Yup and im expecting you to send me my compliment VF-31j
  14. HeheheThought it leave it without telling, but i thought people might think it was real lol XD. Ill be expecting my VF-31J
  15. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    try photoshoping the stands to make it more real! love the look of it
  16. My previous post was a joke guys, i received my valk from spanner as intended, in excellent shape, just thought in make a joke for some fun. That V1 box i already had it. Here is the pic of my brand new valk, thx a lot spanner! Just need a VF-25S to complete the squad
  17. jejeje noo es broma, yo le dije que iba a hacer broma al respecto, todo se dio sin problema.
  18. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    looks great
  19. ok so i received today a valk i bought from one of the boards most prominent users, im not gonna says his name, but lets say he enjoys being quotes on noe3ljm sigs. I was supposed to be getting a Bandai V2 RVF-25. Customs has being real slow lately, i was being expecting this for more than a month, and when i opened the shipper box, this is what i found. never thought i could get ripped off ok, on a follow up to my previous post: soooo i opened the box and to my bigger surprise there wasnt a valk only empty trays, and a note
  20. Beat me to it, was planniing to get 2 more sigh
  21. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    I dont think so, its being a hot seller and just released.
  22. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Its true.I bought 3 regults cause reasons. Then i bought a two VF1A cause it was cheap enough, then when max was available again i got a second one. Then milias poped, got one but when i catched my second max i said " hey max need his match" so got another.
  23. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    same here
  24. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Probably got hijacked
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