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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. You know you need at least 4 spanner.
  2. I opened a ticket on NY on Tuesday, explaning that i got my order on preparation in progress since almost 2 weeks. next day i got tis reply not more than 3 hours later this arrives I guess it never hurts to ask XD
  3. asi es, ojala siga creciendo! lololololol ill be from now on!
  4. It is indeed, a great piece. Only thing i dont like is that the weathered on the coat its uneven, like it had being manipulated, but that is only on my figure, pics on others and videos dosent show that way, and its almost not visible.
  5. Imagine about my country, im the only one listed! XD People dosent collect macross that much here i guess. Good thing is i got asked to exhibit my collection on the upcoming comic con set for august and ill make sure to give macross valks the spot light they deserve.
  6. add yourself in it, i did it back in the day when i joined the forums
  7. wow amazing stuff, im also a MGS nut and this are awesome, wish i could have them. This arrived couple days ago, forgot to upload them This arrived yesterday, great stuff.
  8. I got 2 vf 25f, one i bought second hand in the sale forum, the other on ebay. Ill check them and post the pics
  9. indeed, as i stated before, there lower price + shipping charge is even lower than hlj price without shipping, that alone makes it really cheap for some items. Thats why ordered the RA with them and cancelled with hlj i saved like 40 bucks on shipping alone
  10. here is an example. hlj and ny i added the latest arcadia VF-1S. Since it was released there is no discount price for it, so dont mind it, but the shipping cost is quite different. EMS is the best option, since fedex or similar courier services have special taxes in my countries.
  11. Yeah i noted that. When i started buying on NY couple years ago i thought some of their prices were too high compared to others but lately they being real competitive. Even with their expensivd shipping charges they are cheaper than hlj without shipping.
  12. on the same boat, 2 weeks in preparation in progress
  13. well, might take into account that when you get a valk, the price not only includes the cost of production and licenses, but the research and development cost, which in most modern valks shows a lot of attention to detail, seemless transformation and diecast in crucial parts. The lancer dont have any of this, its just a plastic mold with pretty much a rotable helix. Thats why i think its overpriced, if it was around 10k yen (which is higher than hi metals) seem like a fair price for it.
  14. Right there with you. Bad choice of macross stuff to over price.
  15. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    I rather see all 3 fire bomber valks + vf 17 before mac zero stuff.
  16. Why wouldnt look good? Remember
  17. Im in the same boat as you spanner.
  18. mylenes vf-11 or rays vf-17
  19. jajajaja la verdad eso me paso por la cabeza!! jajaja pero no creo que haya sido por eso, han de haber tenido mas quejas.
  20. sweet poses, great pics!
  21. http://www.ebay.com/usr/creation.shop522?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2754 creation shop, pero sale que ya no es un usuario registrado
  22. And its cheaper now. I got mine 67 bucks. Even better since it arrived more than 4 months late, ebay made the seller refund me. So basicly it was free.
  23. it dosent seem to be transformable, but sure is amazing, i kinda want it. please stop posting cool things, im becoming poorer by the day :S
  24. got order preparations yesterday. cant wait for my valk to:
  25. i got this locally. such a amazing figure
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