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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. yeah that slipped my mind when they told me, since i was more focused towards types of paints and painting technics. i have to give them a call and ask where i can get it. Thx a lot for the video, im watching as i type, its giving valuable tips. today im gonna get a cheap model to try it out as soon as i get the tamiya cement.
  2. thanks alot for your resposes. I indeed have all the necesary tools, cutters, hobby knife, sand paper, etc etc. i was more heading towards the adhesive i should ure, and your tamiya adhesive recommendation is what i heard before on the club, i need to check out if i find it locally. Im not going for a pro look, but at least i want to try sanding the rough edges before painting it. i use future polish on my current projects as the guys from the modeling clubs instructed me. thx a lot for all your suggestion, im taking them on account and please keep them coming.
  3. i live in ecuador, there is a small club going on in my city which i contacted and actually learned the basics on painting. i asked about those hasegawa models and they told me to practice with smaller cheaper models cause things get messy real quick with build models. im gonna do that as soon as i find some cheap models locally, but i was looking around for tutorials to read the basics like material and stuff. ive searched on youtube and i saw many in japanese that are helpful but still wanted to know about the materials to be used on it. i thought in asking here first since people do great stuff on model kits in here.
  4. hello, im amateur on building kits, and so far ive being working on snap on models with good results. Ive being learning to use the airbrush to paint some models with acceptable results, I bought some hasegawa models, sdf 1, YF-19 and YF-22 and they need to be build literaly, which i havent done before. is there a tutorial or list of things that i need to do or have to work on this?
  5. i paid mine on 7/31 and they just shipped it yesterday, im sure you will get your notice tomorrow!
  6. where i can find it on a decent price?
  7. Got this from Rabidweezil, im so happy with it! Ive being hunting one of this for a while Yamato VF-19S Custom
  8. I loved the show as a kid, and always found this suits great Armor Plus Sol Tekkaman 1 Kai
  9. just ordered shipping right now, billed me minutes after it, i hope it will arrive by next weekend.
  10. Me niether, even the promo shots show it with a grey color on arms and legs, looks a little odd, but not bad at all.
  11. Yesterday this arrived from NY Super Robot Chogokin grendizer + Spazer Only took a pic of Grendizer, since im out of space, but ill took one complete soon enough.
  12. i got mine on private warehouse on HLJ, next week ill ship it.
  13. Its up for preorder on HLJ at 22.320 yen http://www.hlj.com/product/evt57191
  14. My thoughts exactly, thats why i picked it up, i found the alto theme overused with every model of the latest valks, but i might get one eventually.
  15. Thats pretty much what they respond to me, so i guess im stuck with it. Now i got another problem. I opened it to inspect it it came with this scratches all over the plane. There is a crack between the legs, like something was being yanked with a tool or something scratches alog the wing, like it was used. everything is packed in its original state, but the valk itself is full with this scratches. was this normal on the cannon fooder release?
  16. It had pictures, but the title said PLUS EX and didnt had the box art to verify which it was. also the pictures showed a dark blue paint job, when the box shows a dark greenish paint job. here is the link. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/4449-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-171ex-nightmare-plus-ex-regular.html
  17. Many packages will be coming during this week, i got this today: I also got this VF-171 this nightmare plus from nippon-yassan, they kinda screwed me, in the product page it said it was an PLUS EX, but it isnt. I already sent a ticket to deal with this, hopefuly we will work this out.
  18. lol yeah just read jenius review about it and ther were some comments about the sharp edges
  19. This arrived today,brand new, opened to inspect it and its a beauty
  20. Well i would, if the seller pay for shipping it back, since the maid accepted in and is delivered. I kinda doubt it since the shipping cost was around half the price of the package cause the size/weight of the box, so its up to the seller. Its a bummer south america postal services are way too expensive.
  21. I bought a GX67 Soul of Chogokin Space Pirate Battle Ship Arcadia thru ebay a month ago. It seemed to be lost on the way, so the seller sent me another one that arrived a week ago. Today i arrive home and found this. I wish this were a 400+ yamato/arcadia toy lol.Still not bad at all.
  22. I got couple things lately, this one is the one i just opened. Super Robot Chogokin Gunbuster
  23. here some of my boxes, they definetly need to get better organized, but since my brother is living abroad, i got lazy and stuck everything in his room until he is back XD. Couple weeks ill get a new display stand ill put everything still boxed in my studio.
  24. in my experience HLJ send the payment request around the launch date. I think they pretty much send the request when they have the stock available.
  25. preorders open on HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960617
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