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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    HI-METAL R VF-1J Armored Valkyrie back for preorder get yours now!http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN966524 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10324464
  2. YOU SIR! have earned my respect *Bow* I have to agree with most people, i got 2 VF-1 Arcadia 5 VF-1 Yamato VF-19 and VF-25 are the closest with 3 (in my case) VF-17 VF-27 VF-29 i have at least one of the others.
  3. This arrived yesterday finally. Arcadia VF 0A Phoenix Shin Kudo type
  4. I took a quick pic with my cellphone of this 3 guys i had near me.
  5. BTW i finished my tallgese III. Its panel lined and i applied some decals on it, then futured again. please let me hear your thought on it.
  6. got couple things today, including VF-27 Grace custom, but couldnt take it out of the box. here what i took out, Marvel Universe Variant Play Arts Kai Spider-Man Super Robot Chogokin Mazinger Z Kurogane Finish Super Robot Chogokin Getter-1
  7. thanks a lot! of course i will, i havent started yet building the SDF-1, didnt have the time, but i will when im on it.
  8. nice you manage to get a soul of gold figure, ive been hunting them on PO, but everytimes its sold out.
  9. wow Macrossjunkie, it looks really awesome! congratulations! im tempted to try that myself on mine.
  10. box is dated 2012, and the whole line include both soltekkaman, evil, blade,blade plus and rapier from what i found. its not that old.
  11. This arrived on saturday Bandai Armor Plus Soltekkaman 2 i loved the show as a kid, and the soltekkamans were my favs
  12. Got this from erikos0311, great item im pretty please with it. VF-27 Lucifer Brea Custom Macross 30: Voices across the Galaxy i just hope it is playable without knowing japanese, lol
  13. great! PO too thx a lot
  14. impressive work! looking forward to see more of it!
  15. This is a real tough question, and even tough to pick 1 fav mech, but i think mine should be VF1J with super parts, basara's VF-19 kai custom, and max's VF-22. its inhuman to make threads like this, but still i think VF-1J with super parts is my all time fav,
  16. try to watch couple of episodes and join up the chat then! Well to be honest i want to rewatch M7 again too! it was my fav Macross series, but since its being a long time since i have seen it, i thought in watch them all again in production order. Last one should be Wings of Goodbye, which i havent seen yet. You know i kinda did the same thing with my last gf, set time aside and watched 1 ep from 3 different shows. Its really an enjoyable time with someone you care about.
  17. got this 2 couple days ago Legacy of Revoltech LR-037 "Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance" Evangelion EVA-03 Legacy of Revoltech LR-038 "Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance" Evangelion EVA-01 Awake Version
  18. Can believe how engaging it is, still so many times ive seen it. I thought in rewatching all the macross series a bit a go, and last night i started by poppin Volume 1: Upon shoulder of the giants. Ive seen the series several times in the last 10 years, but i think last time i saw it was 5 years ago, and i can believe it still captures me the same way it did when i was a kid, i watched the entire volume (6 eps) until 2 am, and i was thinking in popping volume 2, but thought it getting some sleep since i catched a cold several days ago. I thought in posting the chronicles and commentaries about it here, and share the expirience with others, under crimson skies for tonight!
  19. Mine was like most people on america, thru Robotech, which i loved as a kid. I was like 7 or 8 years, around 1987-89. It marked me and i always had fond memories of it, but never really got to watch it again. When i was 15 a good friend of mine told me about the robotech/macross history and lend me his VHS copy of Macross 2 which i loved. Years After that i kept up looking around on internet about macross, and I found a torrent for Macross 7 which i downloaded. Same with most of other series, and when it was released on DVD i got SDF macross and Macross Pllus.
  20. got a couple thngs lately, just gonna add this for the moment. Bandai Figure Arts Zero Dragonball Super Saiya 3Goku Megahouse Excellent Model Saint Seiya Pegasus Seiya
  21. finally mine arrived, being expecting it since last week. i must say im impressed, this is the most beatiful valk i ever seen, the paint jobs its excellent. Im just so happy i got it!
  22. Thx that means a lot from someone called Model-Jukie!!, its 1/100 scale and really fun to work with, i got the gun and the shield too, but they were drying on the other side.
  23. thx for the tips guys! i tracked some revell glue and models, got a few models to practice with before going pro on valks. I made one, and so far was kinda easy but was a mess with the glue, it got everywhere, ill upload a pic tomorrow. Today i finished painting and futuring my very first model, here is a pic, let me know what you think still need to panel lined it, and set the decals, that would be done in the upcoming week if i got time. i know the paint scheme is a little childish/comic like, but i kinda went creative when painting it.
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