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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Yup its a bandai super robot chogokin, although i might add, its around the same height on most soul of chogokin mazingers, have a hefty weight. The pic came shine cause the lamp placement, but it came so cool, like its about to shot somethig from the shoulders 0 photoshop there lol check it out next to a getter 1 (which is a pretty standard sized release)
  2. that would be awesome!
  3. took long enough, but it finally arrived! my 171 maruyama!
  4. And this ones too! Many packages arrives in this week
  5. Np no3jlm. Yes all this line have an updated design for the figures. Suits are now armorlike, but still i love this line (even though most of the characters i know them only for tatsunoko vs capcom)
  6. its good quality, moves like a real cape, should be great on poses. awesome stuff anubis, specially that VF-11! congrats
  7. np! really soft and thin vinyl it comes with a plastic holden inside the box to avoid bend it.
  8. there you go no3ljm. reallly nice figure, nice sculpt, heafty weight, includes a stand and some additional hands. also the logo have a led that lights it up, but forgot to try it for the pics. so far the fighting heroes line is really good if you are in this vintage characters. next realease is joe condor
  9. nice! gonna order it as soon as i can Gonna try the warm soapy water soon enough. thx for the vids!
  10. tried with compressed air, and it worked way better, but still there are some specks that dosent move. perhaps some sort of cleaning solution? after air spraying
  11. this just arrived while i was cleaning a bit
  12. good suggestion, i think i have a spare can around, gonna try it and see how it works.
  13. Hey guys, i need some tips on how to clean chogokin figures effectively. Most important part in my collection are soul of chogokin, Super Robot Chogokin and saint seiya myth Cloth Ex figures, which obviously have metal parts on them. I have a few on display, this one collect dust that can be removed with a cloth, but on the chogokin figures (specially mazingers) i removed around 80% of dust, but some cant be removed that easily, or is in place hard to reach, like in the pic ill post. any tips and suggestions on this? Looks nice and clean right? wrong this stays like this on close inspection
  14. Nice figure, although youll see it on the show on the last quarter, but still very nice piece (in fact i just bought one myself couple days ago from the forums)
  15. Amen to that spanner! i have little time collecting valks, and even less with arcadia/yamato toys, but dont see them as reverse engineering, its more on competing with a substite item (if you want X but cant find/afford it Y will suffice)
  16. I go with the 1+3 option too. But after the 0S im most likely not gonna get any thing else from them, the price makes it too expensive to collect them all and living in south america always have to add +50sh for EMS shipping. :S
  17. im a spanish speaker and always thought of it as mos pee ahh dah. So, as i am never wrong that must be the true pronunciation of it. WAIT, im mistaken i was wrong before, that time i thought i was wrong XD sorry for the trolling XD
  18. Got this little statues for a really good price, took a while for them to arrive, but well worth it.
  19. Its back in stock on hlj. 17.000 yen. This is your chance to get it http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960617/Act
  20. where? i want one too
  21. Wow spanner excellent valk! congratulations!
  22. i had this for couple weeks but forgot to show it here.
  23. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Just go my payment request from HLJ for the VF-1J armored and couple more items.
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