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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. lol hell yeah
  2. agreed
  3. braces? what braces? are braces inclueded? XD
  4. I dont want to admit it, since i liked morgan since his first appereance, and now he is a total bad ass, but his perespective will cost him his life, if he dont adapt like rick did.
  5. alright, maybe a mod can move this to the proper forum ?
  6. Its a given that macross toys is the glue that binds us in here! I reached the forum just looking for some info about toys and hell it just sucked me in XD. I was wondering what else do you guys collect aside from macross stuff.
  7. agreed
  8. im looking forward to this 1/35 release, looks awesome with the leds. Im just a little concerned with the price and shipping cost.
  9. loving that siloutte, im looking forward that VF-31. ill pay anything they ask me for with this:
  10. i just preordered mine on HLJ, now to happily wait for it while my wallet is agonizing XD
  11. thx for the link, preordeing!
  12. me neither, but found it at a good price, excellent condition. as soon as it arrives ill post the pics here! completed my Play Arts Kai Halo Reach figures
  13. thx, i thought it looked similar to the fold tunnel on macross plus XD yes, bought it from ebay and waiting for it to arrive from russia! i got gamlins too, just havent opened it yet, since it NIB
  14. i might be getting it t tha price.
  15. Finally i got this thx to Rabidweezil and im loving it.
  16. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    still up on NY. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/14320-hi-metal-r-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-roy-focker-special-limited-edition.html just preodered mine
  17. loos awesome! congrats
  18. Going to show off couple stuff Play Arts kai Katzuhira Miller Play Arts kai Mass Effect 3 Sheppard Art FX+ Halo Master Chief Play Arts kai Street Fighter 4 Ibuki Play Arts kai Metal Gear V Man on Fire
  19. i think the main issue is the the frecuency of planes. still sometimes even with high postage i manage get some stuff. even from australia, im waiting for a package from Popcultcha. god bless e-commerce XD
  20. shipped to my country Ecuador is around 6000 yen, and the handling fees where around 700 yen. only method available was EMS patience my friend i will soon-!!
  21. this arrive today finally my YF-30, goit on jungle for 26,612 yen it was marked as B, and it was indeed open box, but the valk itself seems to never being removed from the box. ive being wondering if it was as good price, since the item was 19600 yen, but shipping make it more expensive.
  22. seem like a good suggestion, gonna try it out during they week when i clean my SRC's yeah thx a lot for your tips! i have gloves to handle them, just alway forgot to use them lol
  23. Im going on with Basara from M7, although I dont get why people focus on the negative traits of his personality. What I admire of him was his convintion and for what he believed unyielding. Remember he was some guy with a garage band, none believe what he could be doing was right (aside of Ray). And he convince even the military that his way was the way to go. (Although he was a pain in the ass) and became the most famous rock band in the galaxy in the process!! Bomba!!!
  24. here is my armored VF-1J
  25. yup i learned that the hard way. i have gloves i bought couple months ago. thx a lot for your replies, i just tried the alcohol free baby wipes and they work real good. figures are shiny and almost dustless, i think a combination of soapy water and the wipes after it should be the perfect way to clean them. here a pic of my SOCs
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