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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. cool, make sure you post a pic of your valk all decaled up!
  2. it does look way better!
  3. great! let us now your thoughts on it.
  4. It does look great, i wish i could put mine as cockpit but it got broke on the previous owner. still its a great piece.
  5. reading about this made me wanted to get an Arcadia YF-19. Seriously guys, stop making me wanting to get more valks, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
  6. i have one, bought in here. Its alright figure. Looks kinda funny without the full gear. The wings tabs are really fragile, they snap easiy, i recommend to have it fixed in a position it wont fall down. Still i like it a lot, and looks cool in display with the valks.
  7. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    From what i saw mykombini price are ok around same of other stores or a minimal difference. I think the shipping options offered are the cheapest around.
  8. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Back on topic, Destroid is on stock on mykombini http://mykombini.com/en/july-2016/4211-hi-metal-r-fortress-macross-hwr-00-mkii-destroyed-monster-bandai--4549660052111.html?search_query=macross&results=21
  9. when does the preoder starts?
  10. i guess thats doable too. With those big ass packages that send hlj when packing stuff i might have enought to make a 4 bedroom house made with boxes XD
  11. Keep the silvie, save for the Nexx.
  12. Lol so simple! I guess ill have to do it.
  13. MIne is customs right now, among other things. Ill put some pics of it when i get it.
  14. damn guys stop making me wanting more macross stuff!!! my credit card issuer is going to take my house!!!! XDD
  15. still too small. this is what we need,
  16. XD exactly how i came back to check!
  17. tell me which garbage bin to pick it up! XD
  18. start saving your pennies right now then! this is not the valk we need, but the one we deserve!
  19. do it do it, show that wall whos boss, take all your frustation with it XD on a more serious note, sorry dude that really sucks
  20. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah i think ill do that. got another one on amiami. going to cancel it on cdjapan tomorrow.
  21. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah rapefest on shipping
  22. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    crap i feel violated ; ;
  23. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    missed it, damn that happens when playing xbox while waiting.
  24. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    talking about that, i manage to get 3 regults! :S and i was worried i wouldnt find one XD
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