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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82042 its up to order, low stock weird, i havent received my payment request.
  2. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    well, its being weekend, thats maybe it have not being ship, probably monday or tuesday it will. I just got the payment request for 10.30 euros, which is weird since i bought and paid in yen and dollar :S anyway i also jump on the additional shipping payment wagon.
  3. had this for a while, now im displaying them.
  4. beautiful
  5. thx for the link, at that price its really worth getting! Preordered!
  6. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    i send them an email about the preparation in progress status, and they replied everything was fine, just wait till the item its shipped. :S
  7. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah they made ir quite clear last year when they pretty much asked to pay upfront for web exclusives, sucks what happened to you, but they indeed announced the changes.
  8. you know you want to watch it spanner, just dont resist!
  9. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    nothing on my side, got the "in preparation" email today.
  10. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    same here!
  11. Once i had this problem fron a seller on ebay. He shipped my package to chile instead ecuador, i take note and wrote to him. He apologized send me a new package, and about 15 days later the other one also showed up. Funny thing was that he told me to wait the package to come back to japan to resend it. But it seems he changed his mind.
  12. damn bro that sucks, but didnt the USPS gives an internal, temporal tracking number for control? in my country they do it, when the package arrives they give an internal tracking, i can read it from the box. Check it out in the USPS office.
  13. im right with you on that pal, i came to toy collecting pretty late and this is a bless for me, i dont want to pay scalper prices on stuff :S
  14. lawl, i own both the Megahouse SDF-1 TV ver. and the Evolution Toys VF-2SS Silvie Gena. XD
  15. Any idea how much it gonna cost?
  16. my second package from HLJ arrived yesterday, was busy all day but had a fun night with it!
  17. Mine arrived yesterday, and its a beauty. im loving it a lot, in fact if they realead bigger figures even if its a parts former ill buy it hands down. Always wanted a SDF-1, and this dosent dissapoint, just want it bigger!
  18. Add me to the list please VF 31F
  19. hi, i also was a lurker from time ago, and now became more active. Glad you came back! Nice to meet you!
  20. Spanner, why dont you just give in?, you know you want all the VF-2 for your collection! XD even if they suck, you know you want them!
  21. i think 117 its a fair price for it.
  22. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/13010-super-dimensional-fortress-macross-ii-lovers-again-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-silvie-gena.html 117.40 + shipping on NY dont jinx it!
  23. some HLJ goodness came today and this im loving so much! .
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