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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Thats true i can vouch for that. I bought from that seller before and when i bought the monster the price was same as amiami but 100 bucks less om shipping
  2. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    i think it will be up till end of sept, but dont take my word on it, im just guessing,
  3. I know no3ljm he will get those and in pairs for safe keeping!
  4. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    wow a cocktail of emotion you just expirienced! XD holy crap! i forgot about those CFs, i also have 3 on PO damn this month will be hard on my wallet, i should cancel at least one i guess.
  5. My thoughts exactly the VF-0S is still available, have the QC problems corrected and its awesome. Take advice for spanner, he is going to get all V3 VALKS when available
  6. this looks tempting http://hlj.com/product/CSPN68382/App
  7. I dont own a SV-51, but i do have a VF-0A and its beatiful, the thing is that there are some QC issues with it on the legs that may fall apart, some people are waiting for a possible reissue with that fixed. I for one dont have a problem with mine, but its something to consider. Maybe someone with both can give you better feedback.
  8. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    crap you were right, danb didnt occur to me to check the yen dollar difference.
  9. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    crap 136 bucks shipped, contrary to 114 shipped for max. kinda expensive. damn you macross
  10. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    https://www.nippon-yasan.com/18743-hi-metal-r-vf-1j-super-valkyrie-milia-fallyna-jenius-limited-edition.html up in ny. PO now
  11. Crap shouls have waited 😣
  12. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn just found out about millias upcoming PO madness thx for the heads up! I hope i can get one easy enough
  13. Where i can find the shapeways replacements? Id like to get some just to be safe
  14. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    you know its not new anymore, its like 2 months old now, you own an old commodore ss spanner :S
  15. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    Damn it spanner just sell the car! Get more valks! Dont you know your mission in life? Get valks! Yamies, arcadies, bandies, crappies, just do as pokemon, gotta catch them all.
  16. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    actually, since most of the macross 7 valks are kinda obscure (sound force, cannon fodder and nightmare valks), this could be a cool set up for later 1/60 valks. But im pretty much sure they will follow with macross plus, there arent that many, and all of them are memorable. Enough for all 2017 releases.
  17. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    That hikaru figure looks good. Any news about its releass date?
  18. well this is not recent, got it for a year or so, but i just decided to unpack it and display it in the new cabinet. ArtFX+ IronMan Mark 43 1/6 scale looks great with the lights off
  19. HEHEH you said it spanner! Ive being feeling like that since i started collecting valks, thats what made me get the display and arrange everything
  20. Hey derex can you share which type of ñed strip did you use? I got some sylvania and thet work alright. Planning tl get more of then for my new display
  21. Same here. Thats the only heroe valk that im currently missing.
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